Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Walk On Strength & Balance with Jessica Smith DVD Review

Jessica Smith is one of my favorite workout instructors.  I was super excited when I got a package from Total Fitness DVDs with this DVD to review.  Walk on with Jessica Smith Strength & Balance includes two workout walks.  The first is Stride and Strength and then the Barefoot Fusion Walk.  Each workout is thirty minutes which is perfect for those days when you don't have a lot of time to workout.  I really enjoy this DVD and can't wait to do each of the workouts again.  I find the Stride and Strength to be a bit challenging but fun.  The Fusion Walk is more low impact and energizing.  It's a nice fun routine.

Walking is fantastic exercise, especially when coupled with other types of training.  This walking based program incorporates weight lifting, high intensity cardio intervals, and endurance training to help you stay strong, slim and stress free.

Stride and Strength (30 Minutes) - A half hour is all you need to burn fat and build metabolism boosting lean muscle mass with this two in one session!  Burn more calories in less time with this maximum results routine that couples HIIT (high intensity interval) cardio training with circuits of strength exercises to make every second of your wokrout count.   A set of light dumbbells (2-8 pounds depending on level) is recommended but not required.

Fusion Walk (30 Minutes) - Balance your body with this flowing, feel good endurance focused walk that fuses together movements from dance, kickboxing and Pilates.  This walk is done barefoot (shoes may be worn if preferred) in order to fully engage and strengthen the muscles of the feet and ankles.

I highly suggest you get this DVD and get started with Jessica Smith Walk On.  These are two fun walk workouts for any level exerciser.