Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Our #DISNEYSIDE Celebration

We were so excited when our #DISNEYSIDE package arrived.  The first thing we did after we dragged it in the house was rip open the box and examine all the fun goodies we got to use for our #DISNEYSIDE celebration.  This box was full of so many fun and nice things.  The first thing we saw was a suitcase.  This suitcase is high quality, light weight and perfect for our little short family trips.  Inside the suitcase was all the supplies.  The supplies were totally awesome.  I have included some pictures below so you can see everything we got to party with.

Here are a couple recipes we we enjoyed:

Frozen Pineapple Whip
• 2 cups frozen pineapple
• 1/4 cup milk of choice
• 1/16 tsp salt
• 2 tbsp sugar
• 1 tbsp lemon juice
1. Blend all the ingredients until smooth
2. Scoop out with ice cream scoop into small cups
3. Freeze for 20 minutes before serving

Your Disney Side Trail Mix Bar
• Mini pretzels
• Mini fish-shaped crackers
• Small chocolate candies
• Raisins
• Craisins
• Small cheese crackers
• Peanuts
• Yogurt covered pretzels
• Popcorn
• Mini marshmallows
• Cashews
• Wasabi Peas
• Peanut Butter chips
• Garlic powder and other seasonings
1. Put ingredients in individual bowls
2. Encourage guests to create their own party mixes
with their favorite ingredients
3. Enjoy!

 Some fun activities we played:
Who Am I?
• Pen
• Stick-on Labels
1. Before the party, pick one Disney character or attraction for each person playing. Don’t let any of the guests see the
characters or attractions until the game starts.
2. Stick one label on each person’s back. Do not allow them to see what it is before you put it on them.
3. Tell everyone the rules. Each person gets 20 “yes or no” questions to find out who or what they are.
4. The players have to roam around the room to ask other people the questions.
5. Whoever guesses correctly first wins the game!

Catch The Lion King
• Yellow fabric “tail”
1. Kids sit in a circle on the floor. One party goer, the lion, tucks a homemade tail (a yellow piece of fabric with a knot in
one end) into their waistband
2. The lion begins circling the group, touching each child on the head and saying “Lion.” When the lion decides they want
some action, they touch a player on the head and shouts “Hyena!”
3. The lion must then dash around the circle and take the hyena’s spot before the hyena can grab the lion’s tail.
4. If his tail is snatched, he remains the lion; if he sits where the hyena was without losing his tail, the hyena becomes the new lion

Full Disclosure - I received free products in order to host the Disney Side @Home Celebration. The opinions expressed here are my own.