Monday, August 15, 2011

Do You Juice?

Recently I wanted the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead".  I was inspired to start juicing from watching the movie.  I did not have a juicer so I emailed Kuvings and asked them if they would send me a juicer so that I could review it on my blog.  The nice folks over there decided to sent me a Kuvings Professional Silver Centrifugal Juicer - NJ-9500U.

I received the juicer on Friday.  I was so excited to get juicing.  I went to the store and bought some celery, cucumbers, kale, lemon, and granny smith apples.  I am going to use the mean green juice recipe that I found on the site for the movie for my first juice recipe.  I modified the recipe slightly because I didn't find the ginger root at our local grocery store.  I also didn't find kale except for in a bag, so I grabbed a bag and estimated the amount to put in the juicer.  The recipe is:

Mean Green

1 Bulk of kale
4 Stalks of celery
1 Cucumber
2 granny smith apples
½ lemon
Ginger root (thumb sized)
It's really not that bad.  It makes a lot and I wasn't sure if I should have drank the whole thing or now.  But I drank a large glass full and it tasted alright.  I am going to do this every night instead of dinner for now.  I haven't made the commitment to switch totally to juice for 10 days to detox yet, but I am working on getting more vegetables and fruits in my diet through juicing for now.

If you have not seen the movie, please watch it, you may be inspired just like me.  If you decide to get a juicer please check out the juicers at  The one they sent me is amazing.  It's so easy to use and to clean and it's not that loud.  It's also reasonable priced.  I'll update in about a week with my juicing report and status.


Sandy said...

I agree!! I have been using Kuvings Juicer, NJ-9500, came out 2 weeks ago in the US market. I am very satisfied with the juicer.!

Christopher J. Chambers said...

I've been hearing such good things about the benefits of drinking a glass of carrots, but I've never tried it. Do you ever juice fruits and veggies at the same time?

susansmoaks said...

yes i do fruits and veggies in the same glass, they are really good!