Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bob Harper: Totally Ripped Core DVD Review

Gear-up for absolute body reformation with two groundbreaking workouts. Ignite your metabolism and destroy hundreds of calories with Bob Harper's exclusive, cutting-edge combinations and proven techniques of activating, engaging and sustaining the core. Sculpt powerful, lean muscles, while reinventing your body from the inside out.

Whip your core to perfection by isolating and defining vital muscle groups, to abolish pounds and sharpen stamina. Pit your body's strength against its own endurance at maximum levels, commanding an on-going metabolic surge, and annihilating fat calories long after completing your workout. Extraordinary physiques are built on rock-solid cores, so rise to the challenge and prevail with a fit, toned and powerful body.

Workout 1: Totally Ripped Core
50 minutes of isolated core combinations command the top-most levels of effort and all planes of motion to reach the optimum fat-burning metabolic state. Reveal a tighter, leaner, more defined mid-section, and construct the foundation to sculpt the strongest body possible.

Workout 2: Ripped Core Quick Bonus
10 minutes of aggressive core training sets the heart rate racing and accelerates your metabolism for rapid fat burning results. Get it in, and get it done in this compact core routine to deliver rock solid abs in no time!


Review -

Total Fitness DVDs sent me Bob Harper: Totally Ripped Core DVD to review.  It's always a pleasure to work with Total Fitness DVDs.  They have a wonderful selection of workout videos.  Total Fitness DVDs also have a nice customer service team that is super helpful.  If you are in the market for workout DVDs you should check them out.  I love to browse the new releases and see what they have that I want to get next.

I have done the Totally Ripped Core and the Ripped Core Quick Bonus workouts 3 times now.  There is a move in Workout 1 that I haven't mastered yet, but other than that I am able to keep up.  Bob calls the move the rollback series.  It's hard to explain but basically you go from standing, roll back to being flat on your back and then roll back up to standing.  I will have to keep trying to get this, but at this point I am not even close.  I can do the rollback but the rolling back up is the part that is too difficult for me at this time. 

This workout will get you sore in the core and you will gain muscle and feel stronger almost immediately.  I have always been a fan of Bob Harper and I really enjoy this workout!