Monday, November 14, 2011

Problem Solvers Balcony Storage Box Review & Giveaway Ends 11/25/11 at 7 PM EST


I received a 47 Gallon Balcony Box from Problem Solvers to review and they have also offered another one to giveaway to one lucky reader.  I received this last week and got it put together and filled it up this weekend.  I love how neat and organized this is.  It really has helped me get more organized.  I am able to put things away that used to just be out and not organized.  I love that it's so big too!  It really does hold quite a bit of stuff.  It's so helpful to have and it really does look nice.  It's also very easy to assemble.  I love how it really cleans up the stuff that I used to just having lying around.  Now that stuff has a home.  I am trying to be more organized and this has really helped me with that goal.

47 Gallon Balcony Box

  • Balcony Storage Box Offers Convenient Storage
    Short on storage space? Create your own storage unit with this outdoor-safe large capacity box. Great for tools, cushions and more, this attractive box keeps everything neat, dry and safe: accepts a padlock for extra security. Easy no-tool assembly. Made in USA.

    29"W x 20-1/2"D x 30-1/2"H

    If you would like to enter your very own just enter the giveaway below.

Giveaway:  (you must follow my blog publicly to enter, leave a separate comment for each entry you complete, put your email address in your comment if it's not visible on your blogger profile, contiguous usa only, no po boxes)

Mandatory Entry:
1.  Go to and choose another item that you would love to get that could really solve a problem around your house, leave a comment with the name of that item.

Extra Entries:
2.  Like Problem Solvers on facebook, leave a comment with your facebook name letting me know you are their fan on facebook.

3.  Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook, leave a comment with your facebook name letting me know you are my fan on facebook.

4.  Follow Problem Solvers on twitter, leave a comment with your twitter name letting me know you are following them on twitter.

5.  Follow me on twitter, leave a comment with your twitter name letting me know you are following me on twitter.

6.  Email subscribers get an extra entry just subscribe to this blog via email and leave a comment with your email address letting me know you are a subscriber.

You can enter up to six times.  Giveaway ends 11/25/11 at 7 PM EST.  I will use to select a winner and notify the winner via email.  Winner will then have 72 hours to respond with their mailing address and phone number for shipping purposes.  I will have to choose another winner if I do not get a response in time.

I received the item for review purposes.  I was not paid for this post.  The opinions I expressed are my own.

Winner selected and emailed:

degood said... 15
I like you on fb as kerrie mayans.


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eclairre said... 1

gfc; I'd love to save energy with the bear table fan.

Tina12312 said... 2

I follow you on GFC (Tina12312) and my e-mail is in my profile.

I love their A Complete System For Organizing Your Garage, it looks great! Thank you!

Tina12312 said... 3

I like Problem Solvers on facebook (ChristineFidance)

Tina12312 said... 4

I like you on facebook (ChristineFidance)

Tina12312 said... 5

I follow Problem Solvers on twitter (@Tina12312)

Tina12312 said... 6

I follow you on twitter (@Tina12312)

bored2quickly said... 7

I would love to have the fireplace grill! How cool! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

bored2quickly said... 8

I follow Problem Solvers on Twitter as Renee Walters1! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

bored2quickly said... 9

I like you on Facebook as Renee Walters! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

bored2quickly said... 10

I like Problem Solvers on Facebook as Renee Walters! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

tamathamc said... 11

I would love to have the large leather storage ottoman in the living room

crackersmacker said... 12

I could really use the Seven-Drawer Solid Pine Rolling Cabinet. I am always looking for storage solutions for my kitchen!

Shilo Beedy said... 13

I follow with gfc as Shilo Beedy
I like the EZ Foldr Laundry Basket because it would help me at my apt building when going to the laundy mat area

Shilo Beedy said... 14

I Like Problem Solvers on facebook as Shilo Beedy

peg42 said... 15

I'd also love the Solar Emergency Radio. After loosing power for several days recently, I could have really used this radio.
Thanks so much.

peg42 said... 16

Like Problem Solvers on facebook (Margaret E. Smith)

peg42 said... 17

I'm a a twitter follower (peg42)

ninamcclain93 said... 18

i really want this: Yonanas™ Frozen Fruit Treat Maker

ninamcclain93 said... 19

i liked the sponsor on FB

ninamcclain93 said... 20

i liked you on FB
ninamcclain93 at gmail dot com

ninamcclain93 said... 21

i follow you on twitter, omgacsl

ninamcclain93 at gmail dot com

slb3334 said... 22

I like the yonanas frozen fruit treat maker.

Anonymous said... 23

I would love the indoor grill

Anonymous said... 24

would love it!

abfantom said... 25

I would like to get Problem Solvers' Solar Indoor/Outdoor Window Thermometer

abfantom at yahoo dot com

abfantom said... 26

I'm an email subscriber

abfantom at yahoo dot com

tamathamc said... 27

like problem solvers on fb, last name hunter

tamathamc said... 28

like you on fb, last name hunter

tamathamc said... 29

follow problem solvers on twitter, last name hunter

tamathamc said... 30

follow you on twitter, last name hunter

Anonymous said... 31

I could use the Easy Reach Hideaway Hose Reel.

Follow on GFC as rhoneygtn

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 32

Would love to have the Swivel Clock/Thermometer!!

Jemmy said... 33

I'd love to have the Cubby Cabinet for my kitchen
prettishi at yahoo dot com

Jemmy said... 34

gfc public follower, prettishi
like problem solvers on fb
jennifer mitchell
prettishi at yahoo dot com

Jemmy said... 35

fb fan
jennifer mitchell
prettishi at yahoo dot com

Jemmy said... 36

email subscriber
prettishi at yahoo dot com

TheresaJenkins said... 37

Weather-Proof Storage Box Holds Large Amounts Of Outdoor Gear

TheresaJenkins said... 38

Like Problem Solvers on facebook

TheresaJenkins said... 39

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook

TheresaJenkins said... 40

Follow Problem Solvers on twitter>TheresaJenkins

sweepmom said... 41

The Black Rolling Cabinet would help me get organized.

Anonymous said... 42



Anonymous said... 43

LIKE Problem Solvers ON FACEBOOK

Anonymous said... 44


Anonymous said... 45



crystletellerday said... 46

pet steps

beth said... 47

Inflatable travel pillow

Christine A. said... 48

I have been looking for an outdoor storage box to store our pool toys/stuff in on our deck. Hopefully the Medium Storage box will be large enough. Thanks for the giveaway.
your1chef at aol dot com

Christine A. said... 49

I like you on FB. (christine arcidiacono)

Gfc- Christine A.

your1chef at aol dot com

Christine A. said... 50

I am an email subscriber.

your1chef at aol dot com

Christine A. said... 51

I follow you on twitter @your1chef11

your1chef at aol dot com

AEKZ2 said... 52

I could really use the Cubby Cabinet

AEKZ2 said... 53

email subscriber

AEKZ2 said... 54

like you on FB (Annette E)

Amy Anderson said... 55

I'd love the EZ Foldr Laundry Basket. What great products they have!

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 56

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on FB under A Little Nosh.

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 57

I follow you on Twitter as @amyradish.

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 58

I'm an email subscriber (alittlenosh AT

Amy @ A Little Nosh

mogrill said... 59

I like the leather storage ottoman.
Thanks for the chance.

Mary Calabrese said... 60

I LOVE the Multimedia Library File

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Mary Calabrese said... 61

I follow Let's Eat 2 day on Facebook. Mary Calabrese

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Mary Calabrese said... 62

I follow Problem Solvers on Facebook (Mary Calabrese)

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Yona Williams said... 63

I have storage issues...the Glass-Front Media Cabinet would be helpful. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 64

Im your Facebook friend (Priceless Writers). Email: yona(at)

Deborah said... 65

I follow your blog with Google Friend Connect; I'd love to have the Hose Hideaway.

Deborah said... 66

I like Problem Solvers on Facebook (Deborah Rosen).

Deborah said... 67

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook (Deborah Rosen).

Deborah said... 68

I followed ProblemSolvers on Twitter @AsTheNight.

Deborah said... 69

I follow fdp4life on Twitter @AsTheNight.

Deborah said... 70

I'm already subscribed to the mailing list of Let's Eat 2 Day asthenight at gmail dot com

julis55 said... 71

Problem Solvers' Solar Indoor/Outdoor Window Thermometer

Anonymous said... 72

Tricia Dunkle liked you on facebook.

Julie said... 73

I would like the garage bike rack!

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said... 74

this is awesome : Luxury Pet Lookout Car Seats

Ellie Wright said... 75

I'd like the Power Dome 400 Watt Multi-Purpose Emergency Power Source.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said... 76

I like you on FB (Ellie W)
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said... 77

I like Problem Solvers on FB (Ellie W)
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said... 78

I follow Problem Solvers on Twitter @eswright18
eswright18 at gmail dot com

tatertot374 said... 79

Glass-Front Media Cabinet
thank you

thatlittlehouse said... 80

I'd love the adjustable pet barrier since we're planning on getting a new puppy

nblexp ( at ) gmail (dot) com

furygirl3132 said... 81

I like the Red, White & Blue 50 LED Solar-Powered Rope Light, so neat and would look great outside on our patio. Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful giveaway!


furygirl3132 said... 82

Like Problem Solvers on Facebook (Eloise Bowen Carlson)


furygirl3132 said... 83

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook (Eloise Bowen Carlson)


furygirl3132 said... 84

Following Problem Solvers on Twitter (furygirl3132)


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 85

Polartec® Hood Wrap
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 86

email subscriber
vmkids3 at msn dot com

dawns41 said... 87

I like the Cubby Cabinet.

Unknown said... 88

The Revolving Shoe Tree would be great for the house

Unknown said... 89

like you on facebook (jeannine drenchek-scavo)

Unknown said... 90

Like Problem Solvers on facebook, (jeannine drenchek-scavo))

smilekisses said... 91

I like the High Back Luxury Pet Lookout Console Seat.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net

smilekisses said... 92

Follow Problem Solvers on twitter
dolniaks at consolidated dot net

debbie said... 93

I would like the solid wood cat feeder.
I am a gfc follower

debbie said... 94

I am a email subscriber.

Ashley H said... 95

gfc follower agatewood1 and I like the Wine Glass Storage

Ashley H said... 96

Problem solvers facebook liker (AshleyHatten)

Ashley H said... 97

Problem solvers twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said... 98

following u on twitter @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said... 99

I like you on facebook (AshleyHatten)

missreneer said... 100

The Oasis Plant Watering System would be amazing because I am always forgetting to water my plants. LOL!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway :)

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

missreneer said... 101

I like Problem Solvers on Facebook
Username: Fatty Bumpkins

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

missreneer said... 102

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook
Username: Fatty Bumpkins

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

missreneer said... 103

I am following ProblemSolvers on Twitter
Username: missreneer :)

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

missreneer said... 104

I am following you on Twitter
Username: missreneer :)

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

tabitha said... 105

would love large leather storage ottoman

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 106

I also like the Storage Bench which would be perfect for our deck.

I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 107

I am a fan of Problem Solvers via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 108

I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 109

I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 110

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

wendym said... 111

I would love to have fresh vegetables for twice as long with the Extra Life Produce Savers!
wendym at cableone dot net

Unknown said... 112

The Waterhog Runner ould help

Unknown said... 113

Like Problem Solvers on facebook

Unknown said... 114

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook

Anonymous said... 115

I would love to have the Large Buffet And Hutch.
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 116

I Like Problem Solvers on Facebook - Kathy Tracey Luman
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 117

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook - Kathy Tracey Luman
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 118

I'm following Problem Solvers on twitter @kathyluman
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 119

I'm following you on twitter @kathyluman
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 120

I subscribed via email.
kathyluman@gmail dot com

terri142 said... 121

I follow with GFC.
Another item I like is the Rust-Proof Shower Station With Adjustable Shelves.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 122

I Like Problem Solvers on Facebook(Theresa DeRosa).

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 123

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook(Theresa DeRosa).

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 124

I follow Problem Solvers on twitter(terri142).

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 125

I subscribe to this blog by eamil.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

bbrittbrat1398 said... 126

gfc brittney house and i would love the thermologic thermofibre down comforter.

bbrittbrat1398 said... 127

problem solvers fb fan brittney house

bbrittbrat1398 said... 128

lets eat 2 day fb fan brittney house

bbrittbrat1398 said... 129

problem solvers twitter fan bbrittbrat1398

bbrittbrat1398 said... 130

fdp4life twitter fan bbrittbrat1398

Crystal said... 131

I like the Shelf Dividers..simple but handy!

crluckystar at yahoo dot com

Crystal said... 132

email subscriber(cyclona66@aol)

crluckystar at yahoo dot com

erma said... 133

I'd love to get the Wood and Sisal Cat Scratching Platform and Deluxe Double Seat Scratching Post for my babies.

Terra said... 134

The heated massage mat sounds lovely

mystik2005 at hotmail dot com

carolpie said... 135

GFC carol lewis
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

carolpie said... 136

I could so use this giveaway! Fantastic!

I could also use this Weather-Resistant Pet & Child Safety Play Yard With Optional Extension. We have an old dog but sometimes put him in a bedroom or outside if it is warm when company come if he doesn't know them. This I could set up in the room and he could stay and I know he wouldn't be able to get to the people-I don't trust him with strangers.
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

carolpie said... 137

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook carol yerby lewis
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

carolpie said... 138

Follow Problem Solvers on twitter dresdenrain
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

carolpie said... 139

Follow you on Twitter dresdenrain
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

carolpie said... 140

subscriber spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said... 141

The Cable Weave MudGuard Waterhog™ Doormat would solve a problem a my house.


April said... 142

I'd love these Thermalogic™ Insulated Triple Stripe Curtains to keep the hot Florida sun out!
april dot vrugtman at gmail dot com

tracey said... 143

scrollwork bench

kat said... 144

Already follow gfc and like the Emergency Kit for traveling.

kat said... 145

Like Problem Solvers on facebook Kathy Emerick

kat said... 146

already subscribed to the mailing list of Let's Eat 2 Day.

Unknown said... 147

I would also like to get the 2 Gallon Dual Food Dispenser for Cereals, Snacks & More. This would be a life saver. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 148

I like problem solver on fb. Jammie M

Unknown said... 149

I subscribe via email. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 150

I follow problem solvers on twitter mommysdizzy

Unknown said... 151

I follow you on twitter mommysdizzy.

Hoa said... 152

I like the Yonanas™ Frozen Fruit Treat Maker.


Hoa said... 153

Liked Problem Solvers on FB: Hoa Le


Hoa said... 154

Liked Let's Eat 2 Day on FB: Hoa Le


Hoa said... 155

Following @ProblemSolvers on Twitter @hle123.


Hoa said... 156

Following you on Twitter @hle123.


Hotsnotty2 said... 157

I would love the leather storage ottoman.

Hotsnotty2 said... 158

Email Subscriber, thanks!

Hotsnotty2 said... 159

Liked Problem Solvers on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

daveshir2005 said... 160

I love the solar emergency radio. Great to have for unexpected crises.

gfc follower daveshir2005

daveshir2005 said... 161

like them on fb as shirley greenawalt zolenski

daveshir2005 said... 162

like u on fb as shirley greenawalt zolenski

Unknown said... 163

the Stackable Mesh Sweater & Clothing Dryer would really help me. i have sooo many sweaters....


Unknown said... 164

fb fan xferriza2 danielle b

Unknown said... 165

twitter follower @xferriza2


barb hunt said... 166

Thanks for the great contest!

Jessica said... 167

I love the Lookout pet car seat, very cool.

Ashley Brauer said... 168

My dog would love the BPA-Free, Stainless Steel Dog Water Bottle with Carabiner Clip.
Ashley Brauer
relientkgirl88 at aol dot com

Ashley Brauer said... 169

Am a fan of Problem Solvers on FB under the name Ashley Violet Ellis.
Ashley Brauer
relientkgirl88 at aol dot com

Ashley Brauer said... 170

Am a fan of Let's Eat 2 DAy on FB under name Ashley Violet Ellis.
Ashley Brauer
relientkgirl88 at aol dot com

Ashley Brauer said... 171

Following Problem Solvers on Twitter (IWinAshEllis)
Ashley Brauer
relientkgirl88 at aol dot com

Ashley Brauer said... 172

Following you on Twitter (IWinAshEllis)
Ashley Brauer
relientkgirl88 at aol dot com

Ashley Brauer said... 173

Am an email subscriber with email relientkgirl88 at aol dot com
Ashley Brauer

Emily said... 174

Ortho Bolster Sleeper Pet Bed would eliminate pet hair in our room, than our dog would be able to sleep in the basement!

busymomblog at yahoo dot com

Emily said... 175

Facebook Fan: Emily Roemmich
busymomblog at yahoo dot com

Emily said... 176

Like you on Facebook Emily Roemmich
busymomblog at yahoo dot com

Emily said... 177

Follow problem solvers on twitter @busymomblog

susitravl said... 178

I like the folding deck table and I follow via GFC

susitravl said... 179

Like LetsEat2Day on FB (SusanBenegas)

Brian E. said... 180

Thanks for the giveaway...the Large Leather Storage Ottoman would be a good storage solution for us.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said... 181

Following YOU via Twitter: @brianpiero

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said... 182

...already subscribed to the mailing list of Let's Eat 2 Day.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Anonymous said... 183

Really like the cubby cabinet!

Unknown said... 184

Pet Luxury Lookout Console Seats so the babies can ride safely.
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 185

FB Problem Solvers Sherry Conrad
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 186

Like you Sherry Conrad
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 187

Twitter Problem Solvers dddiva
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 188

Twitter you dddiva
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 189

Email discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Meredith Jones said... 190

I like the fruit and vegetable savers.

Meredith Jones said... 191

Liked Let's Eat 2 Day

Meredith Jones said... 192

Liked Problem Solvers

Meredith Jones said... 193

Followed Problem Solvers on Twitter

degood said... 194

The mock rock solves a problem we have with our well sticking out in the middle of our front yard.

degood said... 195

I like you on fb as kerrie mayans.

degood said... 196

I follow you on twitter as kmayans.

Kathy P said... 197

id love the Solar Path Lights, Set of 4

Kathy P said... 198

like ps on facebook kathy pease

alsvegas said... 199

Oasis Plant Watering System would solve my plant watering problem when i'm not home.

Anonymous said... 200

I would love to get the Large Leather Storage Ottoman. . It would help organize our living room.

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