Monday, November 14, 2011

Peanut Butter Baking Mix Assortment Review and Giveaway Ends 11/24/11 at 7 PM EST


Peanut Butter & Co sent me the Baking Mix Assortment to review and they have also offered one for me to giveaway.  I used the long weekend to bake the three items so that I can give you a review.  The assortment includes peanut butter cookies, chocolate peanut butter cupcakes and peanut butter brownies.  First I baked the cupcakes.  I followed the instructions on the box and the cupcakes themselves turned out great.  I messed up with the frosting and didn't follow the instructions correctly.  I poured all the milk in instead of adding it a bit at the time the way the instructions stated.  So the frosting was too runny.  We ended up eating the cupcakes without the frosting on them.  But it tasted great and if I had followed the directions I am sure it would have been amazing.

Peanut Butter Baking Mix Assortment

• Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies Baking Mix
• Rich & Tasty Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies Baking Mix
• Mighty Fine Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes Baking Mix

Next I made the peanut butter cookies.  These are easy to prepare and possible the best peanut butter cookies I have ever had.  My husband and I really enjoyed these cookies.  The peanut butter brownies were also a huge hit.  I followed the directions and they turned out so delicious.  I loved this gift assortment and I know you will enjoy it as well.  If you would like to enter to win one just enter the giveaway below.

(You must follow my blog publicly to enter the giveaway, leave a separate comment for each entry you complete, put your email address in your comment if it's not visible on your blog, no po boxes, contiguous usa only)

Mandatory Entry -
1.  Go to Peanut Butter & Co and choose another gift assortment that you would love to try, leave a comment letting me know which one you chose.

Extra Entries -
2.  Like Peanut Butter & Co on facebook, leave a comment with your facebook name letting me know you are their fan.

3.  Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook, leave a comment with your facebook name letting me know you are my fan. 

4.  Follow me on twitter, leave a comment letting me know you follow me on twitter with your twitter username.

5.  Follow Peanut Butter & Co on twitter, leave a comment letting me know you follow them on twitter with your twitter username.

6.  Email subscribers to Let's Eat 2 Day get an extra entry just leave a comment with your email address that you subscribed with letting me know you are an email subscriber.

You can enter up to six times, giveaway ends 11/24/11 at 7 PM EST.  I will use to select a winner and I will notify the winner via email.  Winner will have 72 hours to respond to my email with their mailing address or I will have to select another winner.  Thank you for reading and participating.

Winner selected and emailed:

furygirl3132 said... 79
Email subscriber. Eloise furygirl3132[at]comcast[dot]net


eclairre said... 1

gfc; i like the big six + cookbook.

mar said... 2

I would also choose the Snack Attack!

Shilo Beedy said... 3

I follow with gfc as Shilo Beedy and would choose the PB&J Hooray!

Kara said... 4

YES PLEASE! On facebook @kara-rota and twitter @karalearota

christopher sorel said... 5

I would love to try PB&J
Hooray! just need some bread with it
cjsorel at hotmail dot com

christopher sorel said... 6

like Peanut Butter & Co on facebook
cjsorel at hotmail dot com

christopher sorel said... 7

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook
cjsorel at hotmail dot com

Yona Williams said... 8

The Snack Attack is something I would like. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 9

Following you on Twitter. (pricelessteam) Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 10

I'm a Facebook friend (Priceless Writers) of Peanut Butter & Co. Email: yona(at)

christopher sorel said... 11

Follow Peanut Butter & Co on twitter
cjsorel at hotmail dot com

christopher sorel said... 12

cjsorel at hotmail dot com email subscriber

Yona Williams said... 13

Following Peanut Butter & Co on Twitter. (pricelessteam) Email: yona(at)

jessica said... 14

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook - Did it!

jessica said... 15

I would totally choose the snack attack! We love Peanut Butter & Co peanut butter but I have never seen the nuts!

jessica said... 16

Like Peanut Butter & Co on Facebook - Did it!

jessica said... 17

Follow Peanut Butter & Co on Twitter - Did it!

slb3334 said... 18

Peanut butter swirl brownie mix.

Nathan Miller said... 19

First off, thank you for the chance at winning such a hip giveaway. But I follow you on Facebook.

Anonymous said... 20

I also follow PB & Co on facebook

ahealthypassion said... 21

I would love pb& j

Anonymous said... 22

I would also love to try Easy Squeezy™ Peanut Butter Squeeze Packs Assortment

Ashley said... 23

My name is Ashley Wells and I'd love to try The Big Six!

Ashley said... 24

My name is Ashley Wells and I'm definitely a fan of Peanut Butter & Co.!

Ashley said... 25

Ashley Wells: I'm a fan of Let's Eat Today!

Ashley said... 26

Ashley Wells and i followed fdp4life on twitter!

Ashley said... 27

I followed peanut butter & co on twitter! Ashley Wells

Ashley said... 28

I subscribed via email! Ashley Wells

Deb K said... 29

The Big Six is my favorite!


Deb K said... 30

Like PB & Co on FB~Deb S


Deb K said... 31

I like you on FB~Deb S


Deb K said... 32

Follow PB & Co on Twitter~Deb55106


Deb K said... 33

Email Subscriber


Mimi Hayden said... 34

Besides what you're giving away, I think the Snack Attack looks yummy. I LOVE peanuts! Thanks for the chance to win!

Mimi Hayden said... 35

I like Peanut Butter & Co. on Facebook (FB name is Mimi Hayden)
lambeaugal at

Mimi Hayden said... 36

I like you on Facebook (FB name is Mimi Hayden)
lambeaugal at

Mimi Hayden said... 37

I follow Peanut Butter & Co. on Twitter (@lambeaugal)
lambeaugal at

Janice said... 38

mmm, I'd definitely love to try the The Snack Attack

Janice said... 39

FB fan / like Peanut Butter & Co. My FB profile:

Janice said... 40

following @fdp4life as @cappytweet

Janice said... 41

following @PeanutButterCo as @cappytweet

Janice said... 42

e-mail subscriber

sweepmom said... 43

I would like The Big Six.

debbie said... 44

I would like the big six + cookbook.

mogrill said... 45

The Snack Attack looks good.
Thanks for the chance.

Amy Anderson said... 46

Snack Attack for sure.

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 47

I like Peanut Butter & Co. on FB under A Little Nosh.

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 48

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on FB under A Little Nosh.

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 49

I follow you on Twitter as @amyradish.

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 50

I follow PeanutButterCo on Twitter as @amyradish

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 51

I'm an email subscriber (alittlenosh AT

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Kristy Thiel said... 52

I love the PB&J Hooray! Thanks for hosting!

Mary C said... 53

I'd love the Big 6 plus cookbook.

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Mary C said... 54

I follow Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook. Mary Calabrese

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Mary C said... 55

I follow Peanut Butter & Co. on Facebook. Mary Calabrese

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Mary C said... 56

I follow Peanut Butter & Co on Twitter (ighmeg)

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Jinkyung said... 57

I liked Peanut Butter & Co. on facebook! Jinkyung Ko

Jinkyung said... 58

I like "Let's Eat 2 day" on facebook! Jinkyung Ko

Jinkyung said... 59

I follow you on twitter now! My username is cancchin

Jinkyung said... 60

I follow Peanut Butter & Co. on twitter! My username is cancchin

Jinkyung said... 61

I am now an email subscriber to your website!

julis55 said... 62

Peanut butter swirl brownie mix

wildcat32 said... 63

I would like to try the peanut brittle.

monster6236 at gmail dot com

PurpleLarkspur said... 64

The gift assortment I like is: Easy Squeezy™ Peanut Butter Squeeze Packs Assortment

(I follow via GFC)

larkspurpurple (at)

PurpleLarkspur said... 65

I follow Peanut Butter & Co on Twitter. I am @purplelarkspur

larkspurpurple (at)

PurpleLarkspur said... 66

I subscribe to your email list.

larkspurpurple (at)

Julie said... 67

PB&J Hooray!

furygirl3132 said... 68

Following you via GFC (furygirl3132)
I would love the Big Six Assortment! Thanks so much for hosting this tasty giveaway!


furygirl3132 said... 69

Like Peanut Butter & Co on Facebook (Eloise Bowen Carlson)


furygirl3132 said... 70

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook (Eloise Bowen Carlson)


furygirl3132 said... 71

Following you on Twitter (furygirl3132)


furygirl3132 said... 72

Following Peanut Butter & Co on Twitter (furygirl3132)


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 73

Snack Attack
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 74

Like you on Facebook
Valerie Taylor Mabrey
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 75

email subscriber
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Allison Downes said... 76

GFC Follower

I want to try the big six


Allison Downes said... 77

I Like Peanut Butter & Co on facebook


Allison Downes said... 78

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook


Allison Downes said... 79

Following you on twitter



Allison Downes said... 80

Following Peanut Butter & Co on twitter



Allison Downes said... 81

Email Subbie


Nicole C. said... 82

I would love to try the The Snack Attack + Cookbook.


channallocks said... 83

the Snack Attack!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 84

I also like the Big Six + Cookbook Gift Set.

I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 85

I am a fan of Peanut Butter & Co. via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 86

I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 87

I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 88

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

Unknown said... 89

gfc ferriz

i would LOVE the big 6!


Unknown said... 90

fb fan xferriza2 danielle b


Unknown said... 91

fb fan them xferriza2 danielle b


Unknown said... 92

twitter follow @xferriza2


terri142 said... 93

I would love to have the Snack Attack assortment.

terri142 said... 94

I Like Peanut Butter & Co. on Facebook.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 95

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 96

I follow Peanut Butter & Co. on twitter(terri142).

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 97

GFC follower.
I'd like to try The Big Six.
jenswps at yahoo . com

Anonymous said... 98

I follow and I'd also lov e the Snack Attack

Anonymous said... 99

I would like the big six and cookbook.

tiff715 said... 100

Id love to try the Easy Squeez Peanut Butter Squeeze Packs Assortment!
tiff715@hotmail dot com

tiff715 said... 101

following you on twitter tiffnoell
Go Cocks ;)
tiff715@hotmail dot com

tiff715 said... 102

Following PB&C on twitter tiffnoell
tiff715@hotmail dot com

bbrittbrat1398 said... 103

I would love to try the PB&J hooray.

bbrittbrat1398 said... 104

peanut butter and co fb fan brittney house

bbrittbrat1398 said... 105

lets eat today fb fan brittney house

bbrittbrat1398 said... 106

fdp4life twitter fan bbrittbrat1398

bbrittbrat1398 said... 107

peanut butter and co twitter fan bbrittbrat1398

Lisa Garner said... 108

I would like to try the PB&J Hooray! gift assortment.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said... 109

I like Peanut Butter & Co. on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said... 110

I like you on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said... 111

I'm following you on Twitter @lisalmg.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said... 112

I'm following Peanut Butter & Co. on Twitter @lisalmg.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said... 113

I'm subscribed to your emails.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Jemmy said... 114

I'd go for the PB&J Hooray
prettishi at yahoo dot com

Jemmy said... 115

like PB & co. on facebook
jennifer mitchell
prettishi at yahoo dot com

Jemmy said... 116

like let's eat 2day on facebook
jennifer mitchell
prettishi at yahoo dot com

Jemmy said... 117

email subscriber
prettishi at yahoo dot com

elangomatt said... 118

I'd also love to try the The Snack Attack package. PB candy is always my favorite, I think butterfinger and reeses PB cups are my two favorite candy bars.

elangomatt said... 119

I Like Peanut Butter & Co on facebook with user Aaron Bretveld

elangomatt said... 120

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook with user Aaron Bretveld

elangomatt said... 121

I follow @fdp4life on twitter with user @elangomatt

elangomatt said... 122

I follow @PeanutButterCo on twitter with user @elangomatt

Anonymous said... 123

I am a GFC follower and I would also love the PB&J Hooray! gift pack.

susan1215 said... 124

follow via GFC and I'd like to try the Snack Attack

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said... 125

Like Peanut Butter & Co on Facebook Susan Smith

susan1215 said... 126

follow Peanut Butter & Co via twitter susan1215

loni broesch said... 127

I would choose the Easy Squeezy™ Peanut Butter Squeeze Packs Assortment

trippyjanet at gmail dot com

barblong said... 128

I would love to try The Snack Attack gift assortment. said... 129

Google follower and would like to try the snack attack.
diane Baum

Hoa said... 130

GFC Follower: Hoa
I'd love to try the The Snack Attack assortment.


Hoa said... 131

Liked Peanut Butter & Co. on FB: Hoa Le


Hoa said... 132

Liked Let's Eat 2 Day on FB: Hoa Le


Hotsnotty2 said... 133

I would like to try the PB&J Hooray! gift assortment.

Hotsnotty2 said... 134

Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

Amber said... 135

I'd love to try the Big Six plus cookbook gift assortment!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 136

I like Peanut Butter & Co on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 137

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 138

I follow you @fdp4life on Twitter, I'm @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)

DeeAnn S said... 139

I'd choose The Big Six & Cookbook. Thanks.
sweepster49 at comcast dot net

Unknown said... 140

I'd like to try the snack attack

Unknown said... 141

gfc follower

review guru

PAIGE said... 142

I'd like the Snack Attack. Mmmmmmm

lilyk said... 143

I follow you on Google Friend Connect under the username lilyk. I would like to try the The Big Six + Cookbook snack assortment.

lilyk said... 144

I follow Peanut Butter & Co on Facebook under the username likwan.

lilyk said... 145

I follow Peanut Butter & Co on Facebook under the username likwan.

BowieTip said... 146

I like the Big Six Peanut Butter Assortment.

EmmaPeel said... 147

peanut brittle for me

Suburban prep said... 148

These are great .
I like the Snack in the Box® Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter & Cracker Snack (1 case)

bettycd said... 149

GFC and I'd love to have the Signature Holiday Cookies package

bettycd said... 150

FB fan of Peanut Butter & Co
betty dennis

bettycd said... 151

FB like blog
betty dennis

Tami said... 152

I can't decide between PB&J Hooray! and Snack Attack. I'd love to try both.

Tami said... 153

I liked Peanut Butter & Co on Facebook under Tami Cerny

Tami said... 154

I liked Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook under Tami Cerny