Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Year’s Resolution: Make The Yoplait Swap!...

New Year’s Resolution: Make The Yoplait Swap!...

2014 is around the corner and it’s time to make some new resolutions: eat healthier and exercise regularly. This is not only to lose weight but to feel better too.  Yoplait  is making it easier for us by launching the “Make the Swap Campaign”. Simply  swap one snack a week with a Yoplait yogurt . Seem easy doesn’t it?. This is about making conscious decisions about your health.  Before opening that bag of chips just open the fridge and eat a yogurt. With over 27 flavors you will never be bored. My girls used to eat a lot cookies and crackers after school, by the time dinner came, they suddenly weren’t hungry. I made the decision a few months ago to eliminate all cookies and...Read More

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