Thursday, October 27, 2011

Go Max Go Foods Review and Giveaway Ends 11/20/11 at 7 PM EST

Let me introduce you to Go Max Go Foods, the company with a curious name and sensational candy.  They are a vegan family-owned and operated, Santa Fe, New Mexico based business.  Their name is a tribute to their delightful "pound puppy" Max, a German Shepherd-mix, who for sixteen and a half years taught them through action that life should be about big love, having fun at every opportunity, and not worrying about tripping when you're chasing after your dream.

They sent me a selection of their candy bars to review.  I received one of each of their delightful candy bars.  As soon as I opened the package I had to try the Cleo's.  I love peanut butter and I love chocolate.  These are amazing.  I ate one and shared the other one with my husband.  He loves peanut butter cups as well.  We thoroughly enjoyed the Cleo's.

Romeo and Juliet. Cleopatra and Antony. Peanut Butter and Chocolate. Some romances turn out better than others. At long last, our one-and-only rice-milk chocolatey coating cuddles the creamiest, dreamiest, peanut butter filling ever! So, if this combo makes you want to walk like an Egyptian, Cleo's peanut butter cups are for you!

How does a rich, fluffy, chocolatey nougat covered in a creamy chocolatey coating sound right about now? If you can't answer because desire is consuming you… aye matey, 'tis a Buccaneer bar for you!

Next we tried the Buccaneer.  It is really good.  I enjoyed this and so did hubby.  We couldn't really think of anything to compare it to, it's in a league of it's own.

When your idea of the perfect candy bar is all about peanutty goodness, then we've got you covered. If layers of dry roasted peanuts, buttery-tasting caramel, and rich peanut nougat, sweetly wrapped in a delicious chocolatey coating sounds like a little slice of heaven, then smile, the Jokerz bar is for you!

Another great combination of peanut butter and chocolate.  This is my favorite of all the Go Max Go Foods we tried.  I loved it!  I did not share this bar with anyone.

If you crave a gently sweetened coconut candy bar topped with three whole dry roasted almonds and covered in a luscious chocolatey coating… hang loose, the Mahalo bar is for you!
My Mom had the Mahalo and she loved it.  She said it was the best candy bar she had tried in a long time.  She was hooked and wanted to taste test another bar.
When you’re taste buds are ready to raise the roof and make some noise with a whole lotta toasty, crunchy, crisped rice POW! jammed into a hunk of rice-milk chocolatey BAM!, Holy Candy Bar!, prepare to be knocked out player, SNAP! is the bar for you!

My Dad was lucky enough to try the SNAP!  He was impressed.  He is normally skeptical of vegan products, but he loved this one.
Now imagine that rich, fluffy, chocolatey nougat topped with a layer of thick, buttery-tasting caramel all wrapped up in our very own creamy, rice-milk chocolatey coating. If this gives you sweet dreams of good taste, then the Twilight bar is for you!

This one was really good too.  I love the twilight bar.

If you would like to enter to win the same great selection of Go Max Go Foods just enter the giveaway below.

Giveaway:  (you must follow my blog publicly on google friend connect to enter, no po boxes, contiguous USA only, leave a separate comment for each entry you complete, put your email address in your comment if it is not visible on your blogger profile)

Mandatory Entry:  
1.  Go to this link and let me know where you can find Go Max Go Foods near you.  

Extra Entries:

2.  Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook, leave a comment letting me know you do with your facebook name if it's difference than your username on blogger.

3.  Email subscribers get an extra entry, just make sure you confirm your subscription if it's new, leave a comment letting me know you are a subscriber to Let's Eat 2 Day via email with your email address you subscribed with.

4.  Follow me on twitter, leave a comment with your twitter name letting me know you are a follower.

You can enter up to four times, leave a separate comment for each entry you complete.  Make sure you are publicly following this blog in order for any entries to count.  Giveaway ends 11/20/11 at 7 PM EST.  I will use to select the winner.  I will notify the winner via email and they will have 72 hours to respond with their mailing address, if I do not get a response in time I will have to select another winner.  Thank you for reading my blog and participating. 

Winner selected and emailed:

carolpie said... 104
subscriber and follow you on twitter dresdenrain spencer1953 at gmail dot com.


peg42 said... 1

I can find them at The Health Shoppe in Morristown, NJ.

slb3334 said... 2

Nowhere near me.

Amber said... 3

I can find them at Whole Foods in Evanston and Chicago!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 4

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook -my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

frogsut said... 5

Whole Foods Market (Galleria) St. Louis

Misty Smith said... 6

Looks like you can find them at Wegmans in Mechanicsburg PA

Jemmy said... 7

gfc follower, prettishi
the closest location to me is Ripley, Wv
prettishi at yahoo dot com
they look so good it would be worth the drive!

Jemmy said... 8

confirmed email subscriber
prettishi at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 9

whole food silver spring ty.

Terra said... 10

Go Max Go bars are available at a few health stores in town: Natural Health Food Center, Sawall's, and People's Food Co-op.

mystik2005 at hotmail dot com

Terra said... 11

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook

mystik2005 at hotmail dot com

BethElderton said... 12

The closest place for me to find these is at the Whole Foods Market on Sheridan in Westminster, CO.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 13

I follow you on twitter as mbm218
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Yona Williams said... 14

I can find the bars at my local Wegman's grocery store in Upstate NY. Email: yona(at)

Jaime Nicole said... 15

I can find them at Wegmans on Amherst Street in Buffalo, NY.

jsweeps318 at gmail dot com

Jaime Nicole said... 16

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook as Jaime Nicole.

jsweeps318 at gmail dot com

Jaime Nicole said... 17

I am an email subscriber with jsweeps318 at gmail dot com.

MEG said... 18

I can find these literally just down the street from me. Score!

ighmeg at

buzzd said... 19

cosmo vegan shop marietta ga

llinda29 said... 20

can buy at Whole Foods Market (Jacksonville)
10601 San Jose Blvd | 904.228.1100

llinda29 said... 21

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llinda29 said... 22

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Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 23

I can find them at whole foods in Columbus OHIO
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 24

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vmkids3 at msn dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 25

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vmkids3 at msn dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 26

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Valerie Taylor Mabrey
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Shannon Egan said... 27

I could go to Ft. Collins or Denver for mine!

Shannon Egan said... 28

I like you on FB!

Shannon Egan said... 29

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Shannon Egan said... 30

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GANDORF57 said... 31

Whole Foods Market 6689 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas, NV

GANDORF57 said... 32

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GANDORF57 said... 33

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sksweeps said... 34

Well, I can't get them anywhere close, but I can get them in Laguna Beach - sounds like a road trip to see my best friend (she lives there)!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

sksweeps said... 35

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook (Sk Sweeps)

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Catharine said... 36

Whole Foods in Sacramento, CA carries Go Max Go.
GFC - Catharine R
ceriehl at gmail dot com

Catharine said... 37

Like you on FB - Catharine Elizabeth
ceriehl at gmail dot com

Catharine said... 38

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ceriehl at gmail dot com

Catharine said... 39

Following you on twitter - norcalgal52
ceriehl at gmail dot com

Allison Downes said... 40

The Fresh Market in Mobile AL


Allison Downes said... 41

FB Fan


Stormy said... 42

i can find it at The Fresh Market

stormyblogs at yahoo dot com

Stormy said... 43

I like you on FB (stormy waters)

stormyblogs at yahoo dot com

Stormy said... 44

I follow you on twitter (stormyblogs)

stormyblogs at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 45

.. i can find these Delicious chocolate bars about 3.5 hours away in Louisville, KY! :)

I would love to try them!

Julie said... 46

Our new Earth Fare store

cman said... 47

I can find them at the The Fresh Market.

cman said... 48

I'm an email subscriber.

cennywenny said... 49

Bear Foods in Chelan.

kiwidragon117 at yahoo dot com

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 50

Go Max Go products are available at Fresh Market in Hendersonville near me.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 51

I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.

I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.


Hoa said... 52

I can find it at Whole Foods Market (Interbay) in Seattle, WA.


Hoa said... 53

Liked Let's Eat 2 Day on FB: Hoa Le


Hoa said... 54

Subscribed to your blog via e-mail.


Hoa said... 55

Following you on Twitter @hle123.


Hotsnotty2 said... 56

You can buy it at Whole Foods Market (Silver Spring)

Hotsnotty2 said... 57

Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

Hotsnotty2 said... 58

Email Subscriber, thanks!

Mari said... 59

I can find them at my local fruitful yield.

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said... 60

I follow via google friend connect

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said... 61

I’m a FB fan (Mari Doug)
runningmatey at hotmail dot com

daveshir2005 said... 62

They have one right here in Grand Rapids MI

daveshir2005 said... 63

like u on fb as shirley greenawalt zolenski

daveshir2005 said... 64

follow u on twitter as daveshir2005

Anonymous said... 65

Whole Foods in Dublin, OH

Aisling said... 66

I follow you publicly with GFC and I can find Go Max Go Foods at Whole Foods Market (Town and Country). mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

Aisling said... 67

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook as Gaye M. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

ky2here said... 68

I'll go to Whole Foods on Edmonston in Cincinnati

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said... 69

FB fan kyhere here

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said... 70

twitter follower ky2here1

ky2here at msn dot com

Anonymous said... 71

This is available at the Whole Foods in Evanston, Illinois!

Unknown said... 72

I can find them at Hometown Health Foods which is about 10 minutes from me. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 73

I subscribe via email. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 74

I like you on fb Jammie M

Unknown said... 75

I follow you on twitter mommysdizzy

Bonnie said... 76

I can buy these products at Organic Forever in Harlem.

unclebonald at gmail dot com

Bonnie said... 77

I follow Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook.

Pt Sweeper

unclebonald at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 78

I would have to get them by mail but my parents can get them in Waukesha, WI.

Julie Donahue said... 79

Whole Foods in Albuquerque, NM (3 hours away)

Julie Donahue said... 80

Following on FB
Julie Long Donahue

Julie Donahue said... 81

Following on Twitter Mom2Ways

bbrittbrat1398 said... 82

I can buy it common ground natural foods in bloomington illinois

bbrittbrat1398 said... 83

facebook fan brittney house

bbrittbrat1398 said... 84

twitter fan bbrittbrat1398

bbrittbrat1398 said... 85

gfc brittney house

Anonymous said... 86

First off thank you for the chance to win! Second, I can buys these great bars from my whole foods Store on the north side of Indianapolis, IN

Anonymous said... 87

I also follow, Lets eat 2day on facebook!

carolpie said... 88

GFC carol lewis
spencer1953 at gmail doot com.

carolpie said... 89

Loving Hut Restaurant
903-B W Foothill Blvd in Upland is where they sell them closest for me.
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

carolpie said... 90

Lik eyou on Fb carol yerby lewis
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

carolpie said... 91

subscriber and follow you on twitter dresdenrain
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

susan1215 said... 92

I can find these at Whole Foods

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said... 93

Like you on FB Susan Smith

Kathy P said... 94

my closest White River Junction
(Available Now) Hanover Co-op Food Store (White River Junction)
209 Maple Street | 802.295.3400

EmmaPeel said... 95

I can find them at Sunny Bridge Natural Foods in McMurry PA.

dvice12 said... 96

I can find it at Pangea Vegan Products

dvice12 said... 97

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook (Dan V)

dvice12 said... 98

I follow you on twitter (dvice1)

07violet said... 99

there aren't any locations near me but I have ordered them online and I like all of them so I'd love to have some more

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

07violet said... 100

I'm subscribed by email

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

07violet said... 101

following you on twitter (07violet)

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Kathleen said... 102

I can find them at Whole Foods.

Kathleen said... 103

I like you on FB. (Kathleen Downes)

lilyk said... 104

I follow you on Google Friend Connect under the username lilyk. I can find Go Max Go Foods near me at Whole Foods Market in Las Vegas, Nevada.

lilyk said... 105

I follow you on Twitter under the username likwan.

Akoya said... 106

I love chocolate! I can find Go Max Go Foods at Lassen's in Bakersfield.

halcyon_love at live dot com

Akoya said... 107

Still find them at Lassen's in Bakersfield. I put the wrong email.
sierra_lightner at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 108

I am a follower via gfc- frugal slhf

frugalslhf@hotmail dot com

wallindeb said... 109

I can find them in the town where my daughter lives,which I visit several times a year.

Anonymous said... 110

The nearest shop near me is at Whole Foods on Wade Ave. 2 miles away. I go there all the time. Thanks for the great giveaway

frugalslhf@hotmail dot com

wallindeb said... 111

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook
Deb wallin

liliesrnice said... 112

They are available at the Whole Foods in Falls Church, not far from my house!

Candie L said... 113

There are 3 locations in Little Rock (which is 3 hours away from us). Thank you


loni broesch said... 114

I follow though GFC and can find these at Community Pharmacy in madison

trippyjanet at gmail dot com