Thursday, October 20, 2011

EatSmart™ Precision Digital Bathroom Scale Review & Giveaway Ends 11/15/11 at 7 PM EST

EatSmart sent me a Precision Digital Bathroom Scale to review and they are also offering one for a giveaway.  EatSmart Bathroom Scales are super accurate, easy to use and uniquely designed to perfectly match the decor in any home.  Their scales are engineered to the highest precision standards to provide you with consistently reliable products.  Stop guessing your weight and let their scales help you get serious about your fitness and weight loss goals.

The EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale is versatile, easy to use and great for any home.  Simply step on the scale and in seconds you'll have an accurate readout on the EatSmart's oversized 3.5" LCD display.  Its modern, sleek design of tempered glass compliments any surrounding and weighs up to 400 lbs.

  1. EatSmart "Step-On" Technology - Get instant readings! No more tapping scale to turn on.
  2. Large 3.5" LCD Display with cool blue backlight- Easy to read from any distance.
  3. 4 High Precision Sensors - Consistent and accurate measurement
  4. 3 Measurement Modes: Pounds / Kilos / Stones
  5. Graduation Increments of .2 lbs. / .1kg
  6. Sturdy Tempered Glass Top with large 12" x 13" Platform
  7. Max Weight: 400 lbs / 180 kgs 
  8. Auto Calibrated; Includes 4 AAA batteries 
When our scale arrived we got it out of the package and put the batteries in and then tried it out.  I love that the display is so big and that it has the blue back light.  I had no trouble at all reading my weight.  I let my whole family take a turn weighing in.  This scale is so easy to use and everyone liked how the scale made it easy to see their weight.  We have put the scale in our master bathroom and it looks nice there on the floor near the shower.  I like to weigh in the morning right before I get in the shower when my stomach is empty and I weigh the least amount possible.  

If you would like to enter to win the EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale enter the giveaway below.  This is the first of a nice list of 2011 Holiday Gift Guide posts.

Giveaway: (you must follow this blog publicly on google friend connect to enter this giveaway, leave a separate comment for each entry you complete, leave your email address in your comment if it is not visible on your blogger profile, contiguous USA only, no PO boxes)

Mandatory Entry:  Go to EatSmart's website and check out their products, leave the name of another product that you would like to get this holiday season.

Extra Entries:

Sign up for their newsletter, you can sign up in the bottom right hand corner, leave a comment letting me know that you did with your email address you used to sign up.

Like EatSmart on facebook, leave a comment letting me know your facebook name and that you like them on facebook.

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook, leave a comment with your facebook name letting me know you are a fan.

Follow EatSmart on twitter, leave a comment with your twitter name letting me know you are a follower of EatSmart.

Follow me on twitter, leave a comment with your twitter name letting me know you follow me on twitter.

Giveaway ends on 11/15/11 at 7 PM Est.  I will use to select a winner and notify the winner via email.  Winner will have 72 hours to respond to my email with their mailing address and phone number or I will have to select another winner.  You can enter up to six times.  Leave a separate comment for each entry you complete.  You must do the mandatory entry and follow me on google friend connect for any extra entries to count.

Winner has been selected and emailed.  Thank you all for participating.

tiffany.hoyt said... 14
I like EatSmart on Facebook as Tiffany Hoyt.


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ninamcclain93 said... 1

i like the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale™

ninamcclain93 at gmail dot com

ninamcclain93 said... 2

i follow eatsmart on twitter! omgacsl

ninamcclain93 said... 3

i follow you on twitter! omgacsl
ninamcclain93 at gmail dot com

eclairre said... 4

i like the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale™, too!

crackersmacker said... 5

I like the EatSmar Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale.

crackersmacker said... 6

I follow EatSmart on twitter as crackersmacker.

momof5girls said... 7

I'm a follower, and I would love to try the EatSmart Nutrition Pro Scale - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator

momof5girls said... 8

I like EatSmart on facebook

momof5girls said... 9

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook

channallocks said... 10

EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale

joshuantonya said... 11

I want to try the kitchen scale. It would really help with portioning meals

Michelle said... 12

EatSmart™ Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale

Michelle said... 13

I like eatsmart on facebook as Michelle Levine

dlhaley said... 14

I would like the EatSmart™ Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale.

dlhaley said... 15

I like EatSmart on FB. Donna Haley

dlhaley said... 16

I like Let's Eat 2 Day
on FB. Donna Haley

dlhaley said... 17

I follow EatSmart on Twitter. @dlhaley17

dlhaley said... 18

I follow you on Twitter. @dlhaley17

Anonymous said... 19

id also love to try the Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale

pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said... 20

signed up for their newsletter

pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said... 21

i like eatsmart on fb amanda sakovitz

pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said... 22

i like you on fb amanda sakovitz

pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said... 23

i follow eatsmart on twitter @aes529

pokergrl8 at

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 24

EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale
vmkids3 at msn dot com

bored2quickly said... 25

I follow you on GFC, subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this!I like the get fit digital body fat scale too! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

sweepmom said... 26

I would like the EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.

Yona Williams said... 27

I'd be curious to see how the EatSmart™ Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale works. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 28

Im a Facebook friend (Priceless Writers) of yours. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 29

Im a Facebook friend (Priceless Writers) of Eat Smart. Email: yona(at)

Michelle said... 30

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook as Michelle Levine

Michelle said... 31

Following eatsmart on twitter as blackbearpie

Michelle said... 32

Following you on twitter as blackbearpie

Anonymous said... 33


I ALSO LIKE THE EatSmart™ Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale

Anonymous said... 34



Anonymous said... 35

like eatsmart on facebook

Anonymous said... 36

like you on facebook (EMMA HORTON

SexyBrat said... 37

EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale

Pauline MIlner said... 38

I am following your blog publically with Google Friend Connect. GFC ID: dod

Pauline MIlner said... 39

From Eat Smart, I would love to try their Digital Body Fat scale.

Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline

Pauline MIlner said... 40

I subscribed to Eat Smart's newsletter using

Pauline MIlner said... 41

I am a fan of Eat Smart on Facebook.

Facebook ID: Pauline Milner Pike

Pauline MIlner said... 42

I am a fan of yours on Facebook. My Facebook ID is Pauline Milner Pike.

Pauline MIlner said... 43

I am following Eat Smart on Twitter.

Twitter ID: @bullittmilner

Pauline MIlner said... 44

I am following you on Twitter.

Twitter ID: @bullittmilner

crystletellerday said... 45

eat-smart precision retro mechanical kitchen scale

Unknown said... 46

GFC Follower-kport207

EatSmart Nutrition Pro Scale - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator

kport207 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 47

Like EatSmart on facebook as Kathleen Porteous

kport207 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 48

Like you on facebook as Kathleen Porteous

kport207 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 49

Follow EatSmart on twitter as jt2ofusanddeals

kport207 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 50

Follow you on twitter as jt2ofusanddeals

kport207 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 51

precision kitchen scale
Blogtacular contest! Thanks so much! Janna Johnson
Janna@feedyourpig on GFC

sksweeps said... 52

I'm a public GFC follower and I'd love to get the EatSmart™ Digital Nutrition Scale - Professional Food and Nutrient Calculator

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

sksweeps said... 53

I like Eatsmart on facebook (Sk Sweeps)

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Cweller75 said... 54

I would also like to have the EatSmart™ Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale

Cweller75 said... 55

I signed up to their newsletter.

Cweller75 said... 56

I Like EatSmart on facebook.

(Christy Weller)

Cweller75 said... 57

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook.

(Christy Weller)

Cweller75 said... 58

I follow EatSmart on twitter.

(Christy Weller)

Cweller75 said... 59

I follow you via twitter.

(Christy Weller)

skkorman said... 60

I would love to have the EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale! I'm a GFC follower (skkorman)!

skkorman said... 61

I like EatSmart on Facebook (Sheila Korman)!

skkorman said... 62

I follow EatSmart on Twitter (@skkorman)!

skkorman said... 63

I follow you on Twitter (@skkorman)!

Angela M said... 64

I'd love to get the Nutrition Pro Scale - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator.

thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

Angela M said... 65

I like you on Facebook. Angela H...... thisisme79

thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

Angela M said... 66

I follow you on Twitter. @thisisme79

thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

Angela M said... 67

I signed up for their newsletter at thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

Angela M said... 68

I follow Eat Smart on Twitter. @thisisme79

thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

Angela M said... 69

I like Eat Smart on Facebook. Angela H...... thisisme79

thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

jcarrturq5 said... 70

I would like the Precision Pro kitchen scale.

clynsg said... 71

Follower via GFC, and I would also like to have the Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

clynsg said... 72

Like EatSmart on FB (clynsg)

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

wicked_lovly said... 73

i like the EatSmar Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale.

wicked_lovly said... 74

i like eatsmart products on facebook under Ana Gonzalez

wicked_lovly said... 75

i like Lets eat 2 day on facebook under Ana Gonzalez

wicked_lovly said... 76

follow eat smart products on twitter @anagonzalez1224

wicked_lovly said... 77

follows you on twitter @anagonzalez1224

msrodeobrat said... 78

i like the Digital Body Fat scale
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Fangirl Jen said... 79

I'd like to try out the EatSmart Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale.

Fangirl Jen said... 80

I like Eat Smart on FB. Jennifer Barnett

Fangirl Jen said... 81

I follow EatSmart on Twitter. @fangirljen

loni broesch said... 82

I also like the EatSmart™ Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale

I follow through GFC

trippyjanet at gmail dot com

wicked_lovly said... 83

EatSmart Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale

wicked_lovly said... 84

likes eatsmart products on facebook

wicked_lovly said... 85

i like lets eat 2 day on facebook

wicked_lovly said... 86

i follow eatsmart products @anagonzalez1224

wicked_lovly said... 87

follows fdp4life on twitter @anagonzalez1224

4Stephie said... 88

I also like the EatSmart™ Precision Premium Digital Kitchen Scale

4Stephie said... 89

I follow you on twitter as 4_steph
steph_showalter at yahoo dot com

McKim said... 90

I would like the digital luggage scale so there are no surprises at the airport.

McKim said... 91

I 'like' EatSmart on Facebook.
Kim McConahay

McKim said... 92

I 'like' Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook.
Kim mcConahay

Jaime Nicole said... 93

I also love the EatSmart Digital Nutrition Scale - Professional Food and Nutrient Calculator.

I am also a public GFC follower as Jsweeps318

Jaime Nicole said... 94

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook as Jaime Nicole

Jaime Nicole said... 95

I like EatSmart on Facebook as Jaime Nicole

Jaime Nicole said... 96

I subscribe by newsletter to EatSmart using jsweeps318 at gmail dot com

Jaime Nicole said... 97

I follow EatSmart on twitter as kidliterati

sustahl said... 98

I follow you on GFC and the product I would want is EatSmart™ Nutrition Pro Scale - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator
luvsherfam @ gmail dot com

sustahl said... 99

I follow eatsmart on twitter @rsmstahley
luvsherfam @ gmail dot com

sustahl said... 100

I follow you on twitter @rsmstahley
luvsherfam @ gmail dot com

Anissa said... 101

I would like to try their luggage scale.

Anissa said... 102

already liked eatsmart of fb, i am an gooch

Anissa said... 103

liked lets eat today on fb, i am an gooch

Anissa said... 104

following eatsmart on twitter @goochin

pmj said... 105

Eatsmart digital Nutrition Scale - Professional Food and Nutrient Calculator

pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said... 106

fb fan
pamela j
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said... 107

fb fan
lets eat 2day
pamela j
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said... 108

twitter follower
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said... 109

twitter follower
lets eat 2day
pjames330 at aol dot com

Erica C. said... 110

The Precision GetFit Digitinal Body Fat Scale would be great to have too.

Gladys M said... 111

I'd like to try their EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale™

mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com

Gladys M said... 112

Signed up for EatSmart newsletters!
mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com

Gladys M said... 113

Liked EatSmart on facebook (Gladys Macias)

mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com

Gladys M said... 114

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook (Gladys Macias)

mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com

Gladys M said... 115

Following @EatSmartScales on Twitter- @GladysMacias3
mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com

Lisa Weidknecht said... 116

I'd also like EatSmart™ Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale

Gladys M said... 117

Following @fdp4life on Twitter- @GladysMacias3

mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com

Hoa said... 118

I also like the EatSmart™ Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale.


Hoa said... 119

Liked EatSmart Products on FB: Hoa Le


Hoa said... 120

Liked Let's Eat 2 Day on FB: Hoa Le


Hoa said... 121

Following @EatSmartScales on Twitter @hle123.


Hoa said... 122

Following you on Twitter @hle123.


daveshir2005 said... 123

I like the precision getfit digital body fat scale.

daveshir2005 said... 124

like them on fb as shirley greenawalt zolenski

daveshir2005 said... 125

like u on fb as shirley greenawalt zolenski

daveshir2005 said... 126

follow them on twitter as daveshir2005

daveshir2005 said... 127

follow u on twitter as daveshir2005

bbrittbrat1398 said... 128

I would love to try the precision getfit digital body fat scale.

bbrittbrat1398 said... 129

eatsmart products fb fan brittney house

bbrittbrat1398 said... 130

lets eat 2 day fb fan brittney house

bbrittbrat1398 said... 131

fdp4life twitter fan bbrittbrat1398

daniel healey said... 132

I follow on gFC as dhealey123 and I like the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale

daniel healey said... 133

I signed up for you newsletter

daniel healey said... 134

I like eat smart on facebook

daniel healey said... 135

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook

Becca Ann said... 136

I like the presicion pro kicthen scale

Becca Ann said... 137

I like eatsmart on fb.. becca Peters

cpage2323 said... 138

i like the bodyfat scale.

trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

cpage2323 said... 139

following you on fb(tina wofford page)!/trixie420247/status/136142780421505024

cpage2323 said... 140

twitter follower(@trixie420247)!/trixie420247/status/136142780421505024

cpage2323 said... 141

i follow eatsmart on twitter (@trixie420247)!/trixie420247/status/136142780421505024

Jenn S. said... 142

I really like the i like the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale™. The red would go great in my kitchen!

Jenn S. said... 143

Following EatSmart Products on twitter: jashelep

tracey said... 144

the kitchen scale

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 145

I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.

I also like the EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 146

I am a EatSmart Newsletter subscriber as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 147

I am a fan of EatSmart via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 148

I am following EatSmart via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 149

I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 150

I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


Hotsnotty2 said... 151

EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale

Hotsnotty2 said... 152

Signed up for the newsletter, thanks

Hotsnotty2 said... 153

Following EatSmart on twitter (@Hotsnotty2), Thanks!

Hotsnotty2 said... 154

Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

Hotsnotty2 said... 155

Liked EatSmart Products on FB (AngelaWinesburg) said... 156

I like the Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale
Diane Baum

Anonymous said... 157

I like the Precision Pro Kitchen Scale!

Aisling said... 158

I follow you publicly with GFC and the EatSmart™ Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale is another product I'd really like to have. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

Aisling said... 159

I like EatSmart on Facebook as Gaye M. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

barb hunt said... 160

Thanks for the great contest!

Anonymous said... 161

I would also like to try the Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale. Thanks for the giveaway

Shannon_Herrington at frugalslhf@hotmail dot com

4Stephie said... 162

I'm a follower and would also like the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale.
steph_showalter at yahoo dot com

mrssquigg said... 163

While knowing your weight is a good thing so is knowing your body fat. I'd love one of these: EatSmart™ Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale

mrssquigg AT gmail DOT com

mrssquigg said... 164

I subscribe to their newsletter

mrssquigg AT gmail DOT com

mrssquigg said... 165

I Like EatSmart on facebook

Brandy B

mrssquigg AT gmail DOT com

mrssquigg said... 166

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook

Brandy B

mrssquigg AT gmail DOT com

mrssquigg said... 167

I Follow EatSmart on twitter


mrssquigg AT gmail DOT com

mrssquigg said... 168

I follow you on Twitter


mrssquigg AT gmail DOT com

Carolyn Daley said... 169

I like the EatSmart™ Digital Nutrition Scale - Professional Food and Nutrient Calculator

Carolyn Daley said... 170

I follow @EatSmartScales on twitter as @darkmysticnight

Brian E. said... 171

Thanks for the giveaway...we like the EatSmart Precision Voyager Luggage Scale

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said... 172

Subscribed EatSmart's Newsletter:

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said... 173

Like EatSmart / Facebook; bryan eason

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said... 174

Following YOU via Twitter: @brianpiero

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said... 175

Following @EatSmartScales via Twitter: @brianpiero

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Debra P said... 176

I follow via GFC

Strange Daze

Debra P said... 177

I would love to buy the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale w/ 11 lb. Capacity and Oversized Dial

Debra P said... 178

I signed up for their email newsletter: debramp @ g mail dot com

Debra P said... 179

I like Eat Smart on FB: Dee Pearlstein

Debra P said... 180

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on FB: Dee Pearlstein

Debra P said... 181

I follow Eat Smart on twitter @MissingLynxx

Debra P said... 182

I follow you on twitter @MissingLynxx - ty for the great giveaway.

This looks like a great healthy scale. Been looking for a good one for my mom.

Anonymous said... 183

First off, thank you for this opportunity! But I would love the The EatSmart Nutrition Scale.

Anonymous said... 184

I follow Eat smart on facebook

Anonymous said... 185

I also follow Lets eat today on facebook

Mtlgrl4evr said... 186

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

I would also like the EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.

Follow you on GFC Mtlgrl4evr

Tandt625 at hotmail dot com

Mtlgrl4evr said... 187

Like EatSmart on facebook

Tiffany Hearn

Tandt625 at hotmail dot com

Mtlgrl4evr said... 188

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook

Tiffany Hearn

Tandt625 at hotmail dot com

Mtlgrl4evr said... 189

Follow you on twitter


Tandt625 at hotmail dot com

Laurie Pearson Photography said... 190

I also like the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale™!!

Laurie Pearson Photography said... 191

I 'like' eat smart on FB
Laurie PearsonPhotography

Laurie Pearson Photography said... 192

I 'like' lets eat 2day on FB
Laurie PearsonPhotography

Laurie Pearson Photography said... 193

following eatsmart on twitter

Laurie Pearson Photography said... 194

following you on twitter

Kathy P said... 195

id love the EatSmart™ Nutrition Pro Scale - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator

degood said... 196

I would like the EatSmart™ Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale

Deborah Wellenstein said... 197

I follow you via GFC as dwellenstein. I would love the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale. Very nice!

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said... 198

I signed up for the EatSmart newsletter.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said... 199

I like EatSmart on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said... 200

I like you on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

dwellenstien ast cox dot net

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