Friday, October 7, 2011

Alpine Valley Coffee Review & Giveaway Ends 10/27/11 at 7 PM EST

I just discovered a new way to get my k-cups.  Do you have a Keurig Brewer?  Here's some Keurig Coffee Brewing information from Alpine Valley's site:

If you haven’t already, then it’s definitely time to join the Keurig Coffee Brewing revolution. Keurig has changed the way that coffee lovers enjoy coffee. The days of wasted pots of coffee and inconsistent flavor are gone. With a Keurig coffee brewing system, you are guaranteed the perfect cup of coffee every time – and with virtually no clean-up or hassle in the process. We’ve all become so accustomed to the chore of brewing a pot of coffee that it doesn’t seem like there’s too much to improve upon. But that could not be further from the truth.

In addition to the fantastic quality that Keurig delivers with every perfect cup, the selection and convenience of K-Cup Coffee pods opens up an entirely new world to coffee drinkers.

Discover a Keurig Coffee System

With K-Cups and the Keurig Coffee System, you can buy cup-sized pods of the world’s finest coffees and try them all without ever purchasing more than you need for a single cup. It is truly revolutionary!
Every Keurig coffee system is attractively designed and there are several sizes to suit your coffee volume and aesthetic preferences. Keurig is positioned clearly at the leading edge of coffee technology and enjoyment. After a few days with your new Keurig coffee system, brewing entire pots of coffee for only a few cups will no longer make sense to you.

So now that you know about Keurig Coffee Brewers, you really should check out Alpine Valley Coffee to get your brewer and your k-cups.  I just found them and they sent me a couple boxes of 24 k-cups of the limited edition pumpkin spice.
They have prices as low as $12.75 for 22 to 24 count boxes.  This is a great price on k-cups.  They also have free shipping when you spend over $45 on your order, some restrictions apply.  I am very impressed with the quality of service I received from Alpine Valley Coffee!  I will definitely use them for my future coffee purchases.  I really do love the convenience of k-cups and the flavor is the best. 

I really enjoyed the Pumpkin Spice.  I haven't ever tried that flavor of coffee before, but I do love the creamer with the pumpkin spice flavor, so I figured I would love the coffee as well.  This is a great way to get the flavor without the calories.  I enjoyed it black and with milk.  I liked it both ways.  When you brew a cup of pumpkin spice you will have the best smell in the kitchen.  I love it!

Alpine Valley Coffee has offered two boxes of the Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice flavored k-cups to a winner from my blog.  If you would like to enter just follow the instructions for the giveaway below.

Giveaway: (you must follow my blog publicly to enter, put your email address in your comment if it's not visible on your blogger profile, leave a separate comment for each entry you complete, contiguous us only, no po boxes)

Mandatory Entry - You must do either of the following to enter or you can do both for two entries, you must either follow them on twitter or like them on facebook to enter.

Like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook, leave a comment with your facebook name and let me know you are their fan.

Follow Alpine Valley Coffee on twitter, leave a comment with your twitter name letting me know you follow them on twitter.

Extra Entries:

Sign up for Alpine Valley Coffee's newsletter here, it's in the bottom corner on the left side of the page, leave a comment letting me know the email address you signed up with.

Subscribe to Let's Eat 2 Day via email, leave a comment letting me know you did with the email you used to sign up.

Follow me on twitter, leave a comment letting me know you follow me on twitter and your twitter username.

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook and leave a comment letting me know you are a fan and your facebook username.

You can enter up to six times.  I will use to select a winner after the giveaway ends on 10/27/11 at 7 PM EST.  I will notify the winner via email and the winner will have 72 hours to respond to my email with their mailing address and phone number.  If the winner doesn't respond in time I will have to select another winner.

Winner selected and emailed:

bleush said... 80
Follow Alpine Valley Coffee on twitter, bleush


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 1

Like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook
with valerie taylor mabrey
vmkids3 at msn dot com

peg42 said... 2

I'm a GFC follower (rickpeggysmith)
Like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook (Margaret E. Smith)
Thanks so much.

peg42 said... 3

Follow you via email
Thanks again

peg42 said... 4

Subscribed to Alpine Valley
Thanks again

peg42 said... 5

I'm a FB friend (Margaret E. Smith)
Thanks again

julis55 said... 6

I follow Alpine Valley on FB (tracy davis hayes)

kdkdkd said... 7

I'm a GFC follower (kdkdkd)
Like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook (Katharine Davis)
Follow Alpine Valley on twitter (@kdkdkd)

kdkdcats at yahoo dot com

elizabeth p said... 8

I follow you with GFC and I like them on fb. I am queenesperfect at

elizabeth p said... 9

I follow them on twitter, esperfect. I am queenesperfect at

mogrill said... 10

I like em on FB
(Monique Ohl Rizzo)
Thanks for the chance.

Bekah said... 11

GFC follower and follow them on twitter. @kufb50
houowl at gmail dot com

Cinderella10383 said... 12

Facebook fan of Alpine coffee
Jamie Brigham *FB Name*
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

Cinderella10383 said... 13

I am following Alpine coffee on Twitter-

Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

Cinderella10383 said... 14

I am subscribed to Alpine coffee's newsletter
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Jamie Brigham

Cinderella10383 said... 15

I am subscribed to this blog via email
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Jamie Brigham

Cinderella10383 said... 16

I am following You on Twitter

Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

Cinderella10383 said... 17

I am a fan of Yours on Facebook
Jamie Brigham *FB Name*
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

Yona Williams said... 18

Im a Facebook friend (Priceless Writers)of Alpine.. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 19

Im your Facebook friend (Priceless Writers). Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 20

Im your Twitter friend (pricelessteam). Email: yona(at)

bored2quickly said... 21

I like Alpine Valley Coffee on Facebook! I would love to win this! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

Renee G said... 22

Follow Alpine Valley coffee on twitter (@rsgrandinetti)

Renee G said... 23

Follow you on twitter (@rsgrandinetti)

Renee G said... 24

Like Let's Eat 2 day on FB (Renee Grandinetti)

Gina said... 25

I Like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook - Gina H

Gina said... 26

I Subscribe to Let's Eat 2 Day via email

Gina said... 27

I Follow you on twitter - gypsiesthread

Gina said... 28

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook - Gina H

guettel78 said... 29

I follow your blog publicly (guettel78), and I like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook: Geoff K

Thanks for the chance to enter!

guettel78 said... 30

I signed up for Alpine Valley Coffee's newsletter:

guettel78 said... 31

I subscribed to Let's Eat 2 Day via email:

guettel78 said... 32

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook: Geoff K

bettycd said... 33

like Alpine Valley on fb
betty dennis

bettycd said... 34

following blog on twitter

bettycd said... 35

like blog on fb
betty dennis

KowgirlsRule said... 36

I follow via GFC and I liked Alpine valley Coffee on FB (Kristie Wright)
kowgirlsrule at gmail dot com

KowgirlsRule said... 37

I follow Alpine Valley coffee on twitter @kowgirlsrule
kowgirlsrule at gmail dot com

ky2here said... 38

like Alpine Valley Coffee FB as kyhere here

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said... 39

following AlpValCoffee twitter as ky2here1

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said... 40

like Let's Eat 2 Day FB as kyhere here

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said... 41

following fdp4life twitter as ky2here1 (great cat BTW)

ky2here at msn dot com

Renee B. said... 42

I follow on gfc as Renee Bruno
And like alpine valley coffee on Facebook
as Renee Rech Bruno

Erica C. said... 43

I liked Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook as Erica C. :)
ericacarnes(at)gmail(dot)com said... 44

I follow via google
Diane Baum

Paige said... 45

I publicly follow! Thanks for the contest

Unknown said... 46

twitter follow them @xferriza2


Unknown said... 47

twitter you @xferriza2


Unknown said... 48

fb fan xferriza2 danielle b


Unknown said... 49

email sub: ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com

gfc: ferriz

calvad said... 50

I follow them on Twitter. (@clvnsdn) calvad at aol dot com

Carolyn said... 51

following alpine valley coffee on twitter as CMKuno

Carolyn said... 52

following alpine valley coffee on facebook as Carolyn Krieger

Carolyn said... 53

following you on FB as Carolyn Krieger

Carolyn said... 54

following you on twitter as CMKuno

Chip said... 55

Like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook - Jill Lear

Also, I follow via GFC under the name of Chip

Chip said... 56

Like you on FB - Jill Lear

Anonymous said... 57

I like Alpine Valley Coffee on FB (Jennifer B... C...).
jenswps at yahoo . com

Crystal Yaeger said... 58

I follow you on GFC

Crystal Yaeger said... 59

I Like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook Crystal Yaeger

Crystal Yaeger said... 60

I Follow Alpine Valley Coffee on twitter iamcrystaljae

Ericka said... 61

GFC follower (Ericka)
I like Alpine Valley Coffee on fb
Ericka King
ericka082 at gmail dot com

Ericka said... 62

I follow Alpine Valley Coffee on twitter
ericka082 at gmail dot com

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 63

I am a fan of Alpine Valley Coffee via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 64

I am a Alpine Valley Coffee Newsletter subscriber as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 65

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 66

I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 67

I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jessica said... 68

Liked Alpine Valley on FB-Jessica H

Jessica said... 69

Alpine Valley Twitter follower @Jessilyn82

Jessica said... 70

Let's Eat 2 Day email subscriber

Jessica said... 71

Following you on Twitter @Jessilyn82

Jessica said... 72

Let's Eat 2 Day FB fan-Jessica H

Sarah Z said... 73

Follower on GFC and I like them on FB - SJ Albers
Thanks - Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at)

Nikki said... 74

I like them on FB as Nicole Haas Etolen. Thanks!

d schmidt said... 75

Like Alpine Valley Coffee on Facebook as D Schmidt

d schmidt said... 76

Subscribe to you via email

d schmidt said... 77

Like you on Facebook as D Schmidt

kyl neusch said... 78

Like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook: kyl neusch

kyl neusch said... 79

Follow Alpine Valley Coffee on twitter, bleush

kyl neusch said... 80

twitter follower: bleush

kyl neusch said... 81

like on FB: kyl neusch

Katharina said... 82

I "like" Alpine Valley Coffee on Facebook (Katharina Ess)

Katharina said... 83

I follow Alpine Valley Coffee on Twitter. (Katharina Ess)

Katharina said... 84

I subscribed to Alpine Valley's Newsletter (and confirmed!) :-)
Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

Katharina said... 85

I am already an email subscriber to Let's Eat 2 Day. :-)
Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

Katharina said... 86

I follow you on Twitter. (Katharina Ess) angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

Katharina said... 87

I "like" you on Facebook (Katharina Ess)

Anonymous said... 88

i am a fan of Alpine Valley Coffee on Facebook. My Facebook name is Veronica Garrett.

Erica G said... 89

following them on twitter
user: notenthused
cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 90

like you on fb
user: Acire Acerg
cinderwhims at gmail dot com

c allen said... 91

i like alpine coffee on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 92

i follow alpine coffee on twitter clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 93

follow you on twitter clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 94

like you on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

mail4rosey said... 95

I follow you on GFC(mail4rosey) and I like Alpine Valley Coffee on FB (Sarah Smile).

mail4rosey said... 96

I signed up for Alpine Valley's newsletter.

Unknown said... 97

GFC Follower-kport207

and I follow Alpine Valley Coffee on twitter as jt2ofusanddeals

kport207 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 98

Like you on facebook as Kathleen Porteous

kport207 at gmail dot com

lilyk said... 99

I follow Alpine Valley Coffee on Facebook under the username likwan.

lilyk said... 100

I follow Alpine Valley Coffee on Twitter under the username likwan.

lilyk said... 101

I signed up for Alpine Valley Coffee's newsletter with the email address

Heather S said... 102

GFC follower and like them on FB Heather Mahan

hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com

Heather S said... 103

Like you on FB Heather Mahan

Amy W. said... 104

GFC follower and I like Alpine Valley Coffee on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said... 105

I like you on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Unknown said... 106

Liked them on Facebook
Jessica Kaufman
Follow your blog as Mac Mom

Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 107

I follow them on twitter as macmomof3
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 108

I follow you on Twitter as macmomof3
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com