Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Del Monte Fresh Produce “Teacher Monday: Cash for Classrooms" Giveaway Ends 10/15/11 at 7 PM EST


Voting for “Teacher Monday: Cash for Classrooms” Begins Next Monday, September 26th. Register today!


  • Register today to win $1,000 in cash for classroom supplies and fresh fruit for healthy school snacks
  • Upload a short essay on how you plan to incorporate healthy eating messages into classroom lesson plans
  • Add a photo to help you get noticed
  • Encourage your friends and family, via Facebook, to vote for you everyday
  • Each Monday, for six consecutive weeks, the top ten teachers with the most votes will win
  • The top teacher each week with the most votes will also win a Del Monte Field Fresh Day, in which Del Monte Fresh Produce will treat your entire school to an afternoon of fresh fruit, games and prizes
  • “Like” Del Monte Fresh Produce on Facebook to win fresh fruit gift certificates on a weekly basis



Del Monte Fresh Produce has offered 3 more $25 prizes (5 coupons each for $5 off Del Monte Fresh Produce) to my readers who are teachers and parents.  There is only one entry for this giveaway.  Just like all my giveaways you must follow my blog publicly to enter.

Mandatory Entry: 
Teachers, register and upload your profile on the “Teacher Monday” site, then post your profile link on my blog.

Parents, register to vote on the "Teacher Monday" site, leave a comment letting me know you registered.

I will select the winners using after the giveaway ends on 10/15/11 at 7 PM EST.  I will email the winners and they will have 72 hours to respond with their mailing addresses.  USA only.  Thank you for reading and participating.

Winners selected and emailed, they have 72 hours to respond with mailing address so I can send out the coupons.

Thanks for participating.


    Gina said... 1

    I registered as a parent!

    Cinderella10383 said... 2

    I registered as a parent and am so excited to get to vote for all these amazing teachers
    Jamie Brigham
    cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

    ckfrrt said... 3

    I registered as a parent to vote
    carolkfoster at comcast dot net

    ard1977 said... 4

    I registered to vote and voted for an awesome teacher! GFC follower amied027. ard1977@gmail dot com

    lilyk said... 5

    I follow your blog. I registered to vote on the Teacher Monday website.

    Unknown said... 6

    I registered as a parent.
    discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

    susan1215 said... 7

    I registered as a parent

    s2s2 at comcast dot net