Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Del Monte Fresh Produce’s “Teacher Monday: Cash for Classrooms” Giveaway Ends 9/20/11 at 7 PM EST - 3 Winners

     This fall Del Monte Fresh will hold its second annual online contest, “Teacher Monday: Cash for Classrooms.” The program awards cash and fresh fruit to kindergarten thru 12th grade school teachers across North America to encourage them to incorporate healthy eating and living messages into classroom activities.
SIXTY teachers will win a total of $1,000 in cash to purchase school supplies and fresh fruit for their students.  Top winners will also get a Del Monte FreshÒ Field Day event for their school in which the entire student body will enjoy a day of Del Monte fresh fruit, games and fun activities.   Salad bars for schools will also be given away through promotions at supermarkets.
     To be eligible to win, teachers must register for “Teacher Monday: Cash for Classrooms” online contest at then encourage all their fans to vote for them online.  Ten winners will be selected each Monday for six consecutive weeks in October and November 2011.  Winners are based solely on the number of votes they receive.  Winning teachers will receive $750 in cash to purchase school supplies and $250 in Del MonteÒ fresh fruit coupons for classroom snacks and to use in fruit educational activities.
The goal of this program is to get kids eating healthier. By supporting teachers, Del Monte Fresh hopes to encourage them to incorporate healthy living and eating messages into classroom lesson plans.

Del Monte Fresh Produce has supplied 3 prizes of 5 - $5 coupons for Del Monte Fresh produce, so three winners will each get $25 in coupons for Del Monte Fresh produce.  I rarely see produce coupons and never this high of a value.  Each winner is getting $25 in free fruits and vegetables of their choice.

Giveaway:  (you must be a public follower on google friend connect to enter, leave a separate comment for each entry you complete, put your email in your comment if it's not visible on your blogger profile)

1.  Like Del Monte on Facebook. Leave a comment here with your Facebook name.

2. Follow Del Monte on Twitter. Leave a comment with your Twitter name.

3.  Like me on Facebook. Leave a comment here with your Facebook name.

4.  Follow me on Twitter. Leave a comment with your Twitter name.

5.  Email subscribers to Let's Eat 2 Day get an extra entry, just leave a comment with your email address that you subscribe with.

You can enter up to five times.  Giveaway ends 9/20/11 at 7 PM EST and I will use to select the winners and notify them via email.  Winners will have 72 hours to respond to my email with their mailing address or I will have to select new winners if they do not respond in time.  Thank you for participating.

Winners have been chosen and emailed, they have 72 hours to respond with their mailing addresses so I can mail out these coupons.  Thanks for participating.

thatlittlehouse said... 41
I follow you on twitter as c5519 nblexp at gmail dot com
Sarah said... 66
your Facebook follower as Sarah Bastin. slbastin at gmail dot com
Hotsnotty2 said... 85
Follower, Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg)


Tracy R said... 1

I'm already a public follower on GFC and I like Del Monte Fresh Produce on Facebook as Tracy Robertson. Thanks!

Tracy R said... 2

I follow Del Monte Fresh on twitter @tracylr233

Tracy R said... 3

I like you on Facebook as Tracy Robertson

Tracy R said... 4

I follow you on twitter @tracylr233

Kia89 said... 5

I follow via GFC and I like Del Monte Fresh Produce on Facebook.

bored2quickly said... 6

I follow you publicly on GFC and like you both on Facebook! I would love to win this! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Renee Walters

JC said... 7

GFC follower. Like Del Monte on Facebook
jessie c.

JC said... 8

Follow Del Monte on Twitter@tcarolinep

JC said... 9

Like you on FB
jessie c

JC said... 10

I'm a subscriber
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

crystletellerday said... 11

i like Del Monte on facebook as crystle tellerday

Anonymous said... 12



Anonymous said... 13



Anonymous said... 14



Anonymous said... 15



Amy Anderson said... 16

I like DelMonte on FB under A Little Nosh

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 17

I follow DelMonte on Twitter (@amyradish)

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Amy Anderson said... 18

Email subscriber: alittlenosh AT

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Allison Downes said... 19

GFC Follower

Like Del Monte on Facebook

Allison Downes


Allison Downes said... 20

Follow Del Monte on Twitter



Allison Downes said... 21

Like you on fb


Allison Downes said... 22

follow you on twitter



Allison Downes said... 23

email subber


llinda29 said... 24

I gfc

llinda29 said... 25

Like Del Monte on Facebook.

llinda29 said... 26

Like me on Facebook.

llinda29 said... 27

I sub to email

marcia goss said... 28

I follow on GFC.(Marcia Goss)
I like Del Monte on Facebook.
(Marcia Goss)

marcia goss said... 29

I like you on Facebook.(Marcia Goss)

marcia goss said... 30

I follow Del Monte on Twitter @mgoss123.

marcia goss said... 31

I'm an email subscriber.

Gina said... 32

I Like Del Monte on Facebook - Gina H

Gina said... 33

I Follow Del Monte on Twitter - gypsiesthread

Gina said... 34

I Like you on Facebook - Gina Hamm

Gina said... 35

I follow you on twitter - gypsiesthread

Gina said... 36

I am an Email subscriber to Let's Eat 2 Day

thatlittlehouse said... 37

I follow you publicly on gfc

nblexp (at) gmail (dot) com

thatlittlehouse said... 38

I follow you on twitter as c5519

nblexp at gmail dot com

thatlittlehouse said... 39

I follow Del Monte on twitter as c5519

nblexp at gmail dot com

Tammy said... 40

I follow on gfc!

Tammy said... 41

I like them on FB!
Tammy Darling

Tammy said... 42

I follow them on twitter!

Tammy said... 43

I like you on FB!
Tammy Darling

Tammy said... 44

I follow you on twitter!

GabbyLowe said... 45


GabbyLowe said... 46

fan of delmonte-laura deluca

wcc said... 47

I'm a blog follower via GFC already. I like Del Monte on Facebook (username: Les Cerises). Thanks for the chance! :)
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said... 48

I follow Del Monte on twitter (username: @whitechocolatec).
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said... 49

I like you on Facebook (username: Les Cerises) already.
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said... 50

I already follow you on twitter (@whitechocolatec).
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said... 51

I'm an email subscriber already.
whitechocolatecherries at

Yona Williams said... 52

Im an email subscriber. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 53

Im a Facebook friend (Priceless Writers)of del Monte. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 54

Following you on Twitter (pricelessteam) Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 55

Following Del Monte on Twitter (pricelessteam) Email: yona(at)

cjbstar said... 56

I follow you via gfc under cjbstar
I like Del Monte on facebook under Jannie Finn Bryant

Sarah said... 57

Del Monte Facebook follower as Sarah Bastin.

slbastin at gmail dot com

Sarah said... 58

Del Monte Twitter follower as @sarebstare

slbastin at gmail dot com

Sarah said... 59

your Facebook follower as Sarah Bastin.

slbastin at gmail dot com

Sarah said... 60

your Twitter follower as @sarebstare

slbastin at gmail dot com

Sarah said... 61

email subscriber

slbastin at gmail dot com

Gina M (crave to save) said... 62

I follow you publicly on GFC "crave to save" and like del monte on Facebook.
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

Gina M (crave to save) said... 63

I follow them on twitter @crazyitalian0
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

Gina M (crave to save) said... 64

I like you on FB "Crave to Save"
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

Gina M (crave to save) said... 65

I follow you on twitter @crazyitalian0
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

Gina M (crave to save) said... 66

I am an e-mail Subscriber!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

Stormy said... 67

I like Del Monte on FB (stormy waters)

stormyblogs at yahoo dot com

Stormy said... 68

I follow Del Monte on twitter (stormyblogs)

stormyblogs at yahoo dot com

Stormy said... 69

I like you on FB (stormy waters)

stormyblogs at yahoo dot com

Stormy said... 70

I follow you on twitter (stormyblogs)

stormyblogs at yahoo dot com

tyedie said... 71

GFC follower

sweepstakeswin84 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said... 72

Liked Del Monte on Facebook.

Debbie Christie

Anonymous said... 73

I Follow Del Monte on Twitter. @chrisdeglen


catrinkaleigh said... 74

like you on fb as catherine l. petersen peters

catrinkaleigh said... 75

like delmonte on fb as catherine l. petersen peters

catrinkaleigh said... 76

twitter follower catrinkaleigh

flychild7 said... 77

Follow on gfc

Hotsnotty2 said... 78

Follower, Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

Hotsnotty2 said... 79

Email Subscriber, thanks!

Hotsnotty2 said... 80

Following DelMonteFresh via Twitter (@Hotsnotty2), Thanks!

Hotsnotty2 said... 81

Liked Del Monte Fresh Produce on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

Donald said... 82

following via gfc (vtarcher33) and liked del monte on fb (donald light)

Donald said... 83

liked lets eat 2 day on fb (donald light)

Donald said... 84

following delmontefresh on twitter (donaldlight84)

Donald said... 85

following fdp4life on twitter (donaldlight84)

McKim said... 86

I Like Del Monte on Facebook.

McKim said... 87

I 'like' Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook.
Kim McConahay

Anonymous said... 88

I'm already a public follower on GFC (gala)and I like Del Monte Fresh Produce on Facebook (gala ya)
galyettina at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 89

I like you on Facebook (gala ya)
galyettina at yahoo dot com said... 90

i follow via google
Thank you-
Diane Baum

Bobbi said... 91

I am gfc

laurasloves said... 92

I follow on GFC-Laura Emerson
laura dot hopelessromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com

laurasloves said... 93

I like Del Monte Fresh Produce on Facebook-Laurie Emerson
laura dot hopelessromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com

laurasloves said... 94

I like you on Facebook-Laurie Emerson
laura dot hopelessromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com

laurasloves said... 95

I follow you on twitter-laurallee56

laurasloves said... 96

I follow Del Monte on twitter-laurallee56
laura dot hopelessromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com

laurasloves said... 97

I am a email subscriber-laura dot hopelessromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com

Nick Hilleshiem said... 98

liked del monte on fb.

Nick Hilleshiem said... 99

followed del monte on twitter.

Nick Hilleshiem said... 100

liked you on fb.

EmmaPeel said... 101

I Like del monte on fb as emm enger

EmmaPeel said... 102

I'm an email subscriber of yours w/this email - emmaspeel(at)


msprettymama said... 103

Gfc follower

msprettymama said... 104

Liked del Monte on Facebook Katy lammert

msprettymama said... 105

Following del Monte on twitter msprettymama69

Erica C. said... 106

I like Del Monte on fb as Erica C.

~dab said... 107

I Follow Del Monte on Twitter (simplydab)

Note - at one point I did like their Facebook page from a giveaway on another blog, but apparently I did something they didn't like (not sure what) because I've been blocked :(

~dab said... 108

I like your Facebook page (simplydab, Donna B*****)

~dab said... 109

I follow you on Twitter (simplydab)

~dab said... 110

I'm a confirmed email subscriber (same email as comment/profile)

Juleemm said... 111

gfc follower - juleemm2003
I follow del monte on twitter as juleemm

Juleemm said... 112

follow you on twitter as juleemm

Misusedinnocence said... 113

I follow on GFC and would love to be entered!

Anonymous said... 114

i like del monte on facebook

James C

Anonymous said... 115

i follow del monte on twitter


Anonymous said... 116

i like you on facebook

James C

Anonymous said... 117

i follow you on twitter


Anonymous said... 118

i'm an email subscriber

c allen said... 119

gfc c allen, i like del monte on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 120

i follow del monte on twitter clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 121

like you on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 122

your twitter follower clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

Clair Shumack said... 123

I follow you on gfc

Clair Shumack said... 124

I like Del Monte on fb (clair freebie)

Clair Shumack said... 125

I follow Del Monte on twitter (clairsfreebies)

Clair Shumack said... 126

I liked you on fb (clair freebie)

Clair Shumack said... 127

I follow you on twitter (clairsfreebies)

Unknown said... 128

I am a public GFC follower and I like Del Monte on FB! (natasha tucker)

natashagt (at) live (dot) com

Unknown said... 129

i follow del monte on twitter (@natashagt)

natashagt (at) live (dot) com

Unknown said... 130

Liked you on FB (natasha tucker)

natashagt (at) live (dot) com

Unknown said... 131

I follow you on twitter (@natashagt)

natashagt (at) live (dot) com

Unknown said... 132

already subscribe via email

natashagt (at) live (dot) com

Anonymous said... 133

fikkiw gfc (jtwark( and like del monte on fb jen twark gersch intime at

Anonymous said... 134

follow del monte twitter @jtwark intime at

Anonymous said... 135

like you fb jen twark gersch intime at

Anonymous said... 136

follow you twitter @jtwark intime at

susan1215 said... 137

follow via GFC and I like Del Monte on FB Susan Smith

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said... 138

follow Del Monte via twitter susan1215

Kathy P said... 139

like delmonte on facebook kathy l pease kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com

giggling kids said... 140

Im a public follower!

Helen S said... 141

I follow on GFC.

Helen S said... 142

I Like Del Monte on Facebook.
(Helen Suits Stamper)

Helen S said... 143

I Follow Del Monte on Twitter.

Helen S said... 144

I Like you on Facebook.
(Helen Suits Stamper)

Helen S said... 145

I Follow you on Twitter.

Unknown said... 146

I am a follower & I like Del Monte on FB Sherry Conrad
(email in profile)

Unknown said... 147

Twitter Del Monte dddiva

Unknown said... 148

Like you on FB Sherry Conrad

Unknown said... 149

Twitter you dddiva

Unknown said... 150

Already an email subscriber discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Rachel said... 151

follow via gfc and like del monte on facebook:

Rachel Horlacher

Anonymous said... 152

I like Del Monte on Facebook. My Facebook name is Buddy Garrett.

Anonymous said... 153

I like you on Facebook. My Facebook name is Buddy Garrett. I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect.

Mary Gardner said... 154

i follow you through gfc as mary and i like Del Monte on fb as mary gardner

marygardner49 at aol dot com

Mary Gardner said... 155

i Follow Del Monte on Twitter as carolinamosaic

marygardner49 at aol dot com

Mary Gardner said... 156

i Like you on fb as mary gardner

marygardner49 at aol dot com

Mary Gardner said... 157

email subscriber

marygardner49 at aol dot com

LuckyTJG said... 158

GFC follower (LuckyTJG)
LuckyTJG at cs dot combad

LuckyTJG said... 159

Follow you on twitter @LuckyTJG
LuckyTJG at cs dot com

js22 said... 160

I follow your blog on google friends connect- Joanne Schultz .
I Like Del Monte on Facebook-Joanne Schultz.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

js22 said... 161

i follow Del Monte on twitter - js22222222 .
email in blogger profile.

js22 said... 162

i follow you on twitter - js22222222 .
email in blogger profile.

lilyk said... 163

I follow your blog. I follow Del Monte on Facebook under the username likwan.

lilyk said... 164

I follow Del Monte on Twitter under the username likwan.

lilyk said... 165

I follow you on Twitter under the username likwan.

lilyk said... 166

I subscribed by email.

EclecticZebra said... 167

i am a follower gfc frvetere

EclecticZebra said... 168

like on fb (AJV---)

barb hunt said... 169

Thanks for the great contest!

wendym said... 170

already a GCF follower and I "like" Del Monte on facebook. Wendy McBride
wendym at cableone dot net

wendym said... 171

Del Monte Twitter follower. @wendym43
wendym at cableone dot net

wendym said... 172

I like you on facebook. Wendy McBride
wendym at cableone dot net

wendym said... 173

I follow you on twitter. @wendym43
wendym at cableone dot net

/\Heather/\ said... 174

I follow via gfc as /\Heather/\ and follow you on twitter - ilovetoclap
heatherpooh (hotmail)

/\Heather/\ said... 175

I follow del monte on twitter - ilovetoclap
heatherpooh (hotmail)