Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Barre3 Total Body Lift Workout with Sadie Lincoln Review

Barre3 Total Body Lift Workout with Sadie Lincoln

Sadie Lincoln is wonderful.  This workout starts with a nice 5 minute warm-up.  The warm-up includes light stretching and some wide plies.  After the warm-up she goes to the leg work.  Leg work is done for about 10 minutes then we use small dumbbells for the arm work.  I used 2 lb dumbbells and it was quite an effective arm workout for me.  After that she goes to the mat for some pelvic tilts using the small pilates ball or I used a playground ball.  it works too!  Then you continue using the ball for a 10 minute core workout and then the cool-down stretch is about 5 minutes.  The workout is complete and gets you sweating.  You won't look like you are doing that much but you will be shaking to change your body!

Ballet barre meets Yoga and Pilates in this body shaping 40 minute workout.  This DVD is our first at-home workout and one of our most popular.  Fitness Magazine ranked it "Top DVD Workout" in 2011.  

Total Fitness DVDs sent me this DVD to review.  They have every workout DVD you can imagine with real customer reviews.  Next time you order a fitness DVD order from Total Fitness DVDs.  They are a top notch company with amazing customer service and prices.