Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed & Shred DVD Review & Giveaway Ends 8/5/12 at 7 PM EST

Collage Video sent me Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed & Shred DVD to review and they have also offered to mail one to a lucky winner from my blog.  I received the DVD in the mail last week and immediately put it in the DVD player for use the next morning.  I do my workouts in the AM before I shower and go to work.  I knew this one was going to take a lot of energy so I got myself ready for it mentally.

The first day I did the Level 1 workout with the cool down.  Then the following day I did the Level 2 workout with the cool down.  I enjoyed both levels equally.  They are both fun to do with Jillian leading.  They offer some modifications for those of us who aren't in the best shape.  I followed the lady doing the modifications.  I was so excited and proud that I could keep up with all the jumping jacks and other cardio intervals.

After doing this DVD I feel that I have really progressed in my fitness level and I am so proud to be stronger from these past months of working out daily.  I really recommend this DVD to anyone working on getting fit who likes to change it up and get a great workout in a short amount of time.

Here's the description from the Collage Video website:

Certified instructor description: Two aero/tone interval workouts that combine weight-training with high-intensity cardio ... plus some martial arts and yoga. It's a smooth-flowing fusion that increases motivation while challenging your body in diverse ways. The first workout emphasizes fat-burning cardio; it features traditional body-sculpting routines. The second program is more toning-focused; it includes lots of multi-muscle and yoga-based exercises (e.g. a dumbbell-intensified triangle pose). Both workouts are tough — fast-paced, non-stop circuits that never slow down (however they do show some easier modifications). Jillian's cuing is "bad ass" and aggressive, but always supportive (e.g. "you can do this; just dig deep and work it!"). Requires 3 to 10 dumbbells. ©2011. DVD has: Spanish option, Wide screen, Close captions, Region 1.

If you want to enter to win this DVD just enter the giveaway below.


Mandatory Entry:
Go to Collage Video and select another DVD that you would like to try, leave a comment letting me know which one you chose.

Bonus Entries:

Like Collage Video on facebook https://www.facebook.com/CollageVideo?sk=app_4949752878 leave a comment with your facebook name letting me know you are their fan.

Sign up for their newsletter http://www.collagevideo.com/newslettersignup.aspx leave your email that you signed up with.

Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/#!/fdp4life leave a comment letting me know your twitter name.

Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Lets-Eat-2-Day/127260644023896 leave a comment with your facebook name letting me know you are my fan.

You can enter up to five times.  I will use random.org to select a winner after the giveaway ends 8/5/12 at 7 PM EST.  I will email the winner and they will have 72 hours to respond with their mailing information or I will have to select another winner.  Thank you for reading my blog and participating.

Disclosure:  I received a copy of the DVD to review free of charge, the opinions expressed are my own.

Winner selected and emailed:

Swtlilchick said... 98
I would like to try Jillian Michaels' Kickbox FastFix



bayctygrl said...

would also like Jillian Michaels' Kickbox FastFix

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

bayctygrl said...

Like collage video on Fb Jennifer Bee
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

bayctygrl said...

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hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

bayctygrl said...

like you on FB Jennifer Bee
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

eclairre said...


I'd like the Killer Buns & Thighs.

Allison said...

I'd like the workout video Killer Buns and Thighs.


Sue Ellison said...

I would like to try Kathy Smith's Kettlebell Solution.


Sue Ellison said...

I "Like" Collage Video on FB


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Sue Ellison said...

I follow you on Twitter as suebaby05


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slb3334 said...

drop set strength.


Ken said...

I'd also like to try Jazzercise: Burlesque. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

sweepmom said...

I would like to try the Michelle's Peak 10 More Cardio Interval Burn video.

Stephen Saunders said...

Supreme 90 Day System (Supreme90) looks good.

Unknown said...

Jazzercise: Burlesque
caseyeve_003 atyahoodot com

Unknown said...

liked college video on facebook
casey lynn everidge
caseyeve_003 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

followed you on twitter @caseylynn333
caseyeve_003 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

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casey lynn everidge
caseyeve_003 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I'd like to try the 10 Minute Solution: Kettlebell Ultimate Fat Burner


Unknown said...

I Like Collage Video on Facebook (Tarah M.anning)


Unknown said...

I signed up for their newsletter


Unknown said...

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tattwo said...

I would like to try the Jessica Smith's 10 Pounds Down: Cardio Abs. Thanks

tattwo said...

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New! Jessica Smith's 10 Pounds Down: Cardio Abs


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kroch said...

I would like to try The Biggest Loser: Last Chance Workout

dancehottie1621 at aol dot com

kroch said...

I follow you on twitter @katier6678

dancehottie1621 at aol dot com

kroch said...

I Like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook (Katie Roch)

dancehottie1621 at aol dot com

Kristy Thiel said...

I'd love to try Kathy Smith Kettleball Solution. Thanks for hosting!

Tamar said...

Tracey Mallett's Fuse Dance Cardio Melt seems good


Julie Donahue said...

I'd like to try Jillian's kickboxing DVD

Julie Donahue said...

Following on Twitter

Daniel M said...

Kelly Coffey's 30 Min. to Fitness: Your Best Body - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Anonymous said...

Killer Buns and Thighs jen gersch intime@myself.com

Molly K said...

I would love to try Bob Harper's Total Body Transformation

Molly K said...

I like Collage video on FB

Molly K said...

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Molly K said...

I follow you on twitter as tomandmollyk

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Hotsnotty2 said...

Everybody Fitness: Kickbox Challenge, Thanks!


Hotsnotty2 said...

Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg)


Hotsnotty2 said...

Following you via Twitter (@Hotsnotty2), Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I would like to try the Jari Love's Get Extremely Ripped 1000 Hardcore video

morganowl28 at gmail dot com

Kathy P said...

id like The Firm: Calorie Explosion

Kathy P said...

like you on facebook kathy pease

willdebbie said...

I like the Jillian FastFix
willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

willdebbie said...

follow you on twitter
willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

willdebbie said...

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christal f c
willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

willdebbie said...

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willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Ginger b.
Timelyone at hotmail dot com

Amy dixon breathless 2 DVD

Emmy Coffee said...

I'd like to test out the Karen Voight's Full Body Stretch DVD

magic5905 said...

I like Jillian FastFix.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Melissa B. said...

I'd like to try the Leslie Sansone 5 Day Walk Plan.

Anonymous said...

Jazzercise: Burlesque sounds like fun

kannw27 at gmail dot com

Kim (Randominities) said...

Jillian Michaels' Kickbox FastFix sounds good. I've never tried kickboxing.

Erica C. said...

I'd also like to try Jillian Michaels' Kickbox Fast Fix.

GingerlySpoken said...

I'd like to try Petra Kolber's Liquid Grooves also.

GingerlySpoken said...

I signed up for the newsletter with gingerdelane@gmail.com

loni broesch said...

I also like Kelly Coffey-Meyer
Two toning workouts

trippyjanet at gmail dot com

Betty C said...

I'd love to have the Jillina's Bellydance Volume 1. I did belly dancing several years ago and it's a real workout.

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

Betty C said...

I like Collage Video on Facebook.
Betty Curran

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

Betty C said...

I signed up for the Collage newsletter.

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

Betty C said...

I follow you on Twitter as willitara.

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

Betty C said...

I follow Let's Eat 2 Day on Facebook.
Betty Curran

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

Roxann said...

I would also like to try Jillian FastFix.

Roxann said...

I Like Collage Video on facebook. Roxann T

Roxann said...

I signed up for their newsletter.

Roxann said...

I follow you on twitter. ladyt64

Roxann said...

I like you on Facebook. Roxann T

cman said...

Jillian's kickboxing DVD

Melissa said...

I would also like to try "Leslie Sansone's Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan"


Erika P. said...

I'd like to try the Jeanette Jenkins Power Yoga dvd.
805chick7 at gmail dot com

Erika P. said...

I like Collage Video on facebook as Et Pruitt.
805chick7 at gmail dot com

/\Heather/\ said...

Supreme 90 Day System looks good to me!

/\Heather/\ said...

I like Collage Video on facebook

/\Heather/\ said...

I follow you on twitter - ilovetoclap

/\Heather/\ said...

I like Let's Eat 2 Day on facebook

Unknown said...

I'd like to try Leslie Sansone's Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan


Unknown said...

I'd like to try Leslie Sansone's Just Walk 4 Mile Power Walk. I have quite a few of her dvds and it seems a little different

lilyk said...

Deante Dance looks very interesting!

lilyk said...

I follow Collage Video on Facebook under the username likwan.

lilyk said...

I signed up for the Collage Video newsletter with the email address mslilyk@hotmail.com.

lilyk said...

I follow you on Twitter under the username likwan.

lilyk said...

I follow you on Facebook under the username likwan.

dvice12 said...

I like Tracey Mallett's Fuse Dance Cardio Lean

dvice12 said...

I Follow you on twitter

Donna said...

I would like Killer Buns & Thighs.

Donna said...

I follow you on twitter.(donnak4)

Donna said...

I liked them on facebook.(Donna Kozar)

Donna said...

I liked you on facebook.(Donna Kozar)

Nicole said...

I'd love to try Dance Tonic: Dance Yourself Strong! holymoleynicoley at aol dot com

Charlene Kuser said...

I would like to try Jillian Michaels' Kickbox FastFix


Charlene Kuser said...

I Like Collage Video on facebook
(Charlene Kuser)


Charlene Kuser said...

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Charlene Kuser said...

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Charlene Kuser said...

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(Charlene Kuser)


channallocks said...

I'd like the Killer Buns & Thigh

daveshir2005 said...

I would also like to try the Jazzercise: Burlesque

email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com

daveshir2005 said...

like them on fb as shirley greenawalt zolenski

email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com

daveshir2005 said...

signed up for their newsletter

email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com

daveshir2005 said...

follow u on twitter as daveshir2005

email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com

daveshir2005 said...

like u on fb as shirley greenawalt zolenski

email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com

Sand said...

I would like to try the The Firm: Cardio Dance Club.

Unknown said...

I would like to try the Killer Buns & Thighs DVD. garrettsambo@aol.com

teresa b said...

This is awesome!

I would love to try Leslie Sansone's Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan

email: tb6208@yahoo.com
twitter: teebario
